rwblinn Geschrieben February 29, 2016 at 14:36 Geschrieben February 29, 2016 at 14:36 Hi, as a test tried to setup openHAB MQTT displaying AmbientLight bricklet Illuminance BUT nothing is displayed. Any idea what could be wrong? Items Number Illuminance "Illuminance [%.0f Lux]" <none> { } String IlluminanceRaw "IlluminanceRaw" [%s] <none> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tinkerforge/bricklet/ambient_light/mdh/illuminance:state:default]" } Rule import org.openhab.core.library.types.* import org.openhab.core.persistence.* import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* rule "MqttAmbientLightParse" when Item IlluminanceRaw changed then var String json = (IlluminanceRaw.state as StringType).toString logInfo("FILE", json) //{"illuminance":1354,"_timestamp":1456750088.109141} var String il = transform("JSONPATH", "$.illuminance", json) logInfo("FILE", "IL="+il) var String ts = transform("JSONPATH", "$._timestamp", json) logInfo("FILE", "TS="+ts) sendCommand(Illuminance, il) end sitemap sitemap ambientlightmqtt label="MQTT Illuminance" { Frame { Text item=Illuminance Text item=IlluminanceRaw } } Zitieren
rwblinn Geschrieben March 1, 2016 at 06:17 Autor Geschrieben March 1, 2016 at 06:17 By... Items Number Illuminance "Illuminance [%.0f Lux]" <none> String IlluminanceTimeStamp "Illuminance Timestamp [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" <none> String IlluminanceRaw "IlluminanceRaw [%s]" <none> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tinkerforge/bricklet/ambient_light/mdh/illuminance:state:default]" } Sitemap sitemap ambientlightmqtt label="MQTT Illuminance" { Frame { Text item=Illuminance Text item=IlluminanceTimeStamp Text item=IlluminanceRaw } } Rules = UNIX timestamp conversion needs to be improved. import org.openhab.core.library.types.* import org.openhab.core.persistence.* import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* import org.joda.time.* rule "MqttAmbientLightParse" when Item IlluminanceRaw changed then //Convert the raw data to a string var String data = (IlluminanceRaw.state as StringType).toString //Parse the JSON string // { "illuminance":1354,"_timestamp":1456750088.109141 } //Illuminance var String il = transform("JSONPATH", "$.illuminance", data) var iln = new Double(il) iln = iln * 0.1 Illuminance.postUpdate( iln) //Timestamp var String ts = transform("JSONPATH", "$._timestamp", data) //THIS NEEDS TOBE IMPROVED ts = ts.replaceAll("E9", "") ts = ts.replaceAll("[.]", "") //IlluminanceTimeStamp.postUpdate(ts) var DateTime dt = new DateTime(Long::parseLong(ts) * 1000L) IlluminanceTimeStamp.postUpdate(new DateTimeType(dt.toString)) end Zitieren
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