berndlu Geschrieben March 17, 2013 at 18:49 Geschrieben March 17, 2013 at 18:49 { Get current temperature (unit is °C/100) } //t1_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t1.GetTemperature/100 + t1_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; //t2_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t2.GetTemperature/100 + t2_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; t3_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t3.GetTemperature/100 + t3_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; t4_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t4.GetTemperature/100 + t4_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; t5_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t5.GetTemperature/100 + t5_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; t6_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(t6.GetTemperature/100 + t6_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; { get pressure & humidity } //h1_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(h1.GetHumidity/10 + h1_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; //b1_val := StringReplace (FloatToStrF(b1.GetAirPressure/1000 + b1_Korr, ffFixed, 8,2),'.',',',[rfReplaceAll]) ; If h1 or/and b1 will be (more than 4 brickletts) requested there is an exception: External: SIGSEGV ... end; errorCode := GetErrorCodeFromData(result); if (errorCode = 0) then begin ... This occures in all combinations. Zitieren
borg Geschrieben March 17, 2013 at 20:39 Geschrieben March 17, 2013 at 20:39 So the h1_val throws an exception if you comment it in, but it doesnt if you comment out te tX_val lines? That doesn't make sense . Can you make a minimal Program (including the initialization and so) that causes the exception? Zitieren
berndlu Geschrieben March 18, 2013 at 21:06 Autor Geschrieben March 18, 2013 at 21:06 Solved! Lazarus was confused. After restarting Lazarus and new compiler run all works fine. Zitieren
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