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Dear List

I am running a measurement-station using an Industrial-Counter-Bricklet to monitor the frequency given by an encoder:

  • One application is accessing the Industrial-Counter-Bricklet every 5 seconds reading the current frequency on channel 0 and provides the information to a Prometheus-monitoring system.
    • That works perfectly
  • A second application could take usage of the measurements of the Industrial-Counter-Bricklet to monitor its own functionality.
    • For this, it has to read the frequency on channel 0 of the Industrial-Counter-Bricklet as well. This in a similar rate such as every 5 seconds.


  • Is it safe and reliable to access an Industrial-Counter-Bricklet (or any other bricklet) reading the values from two individual applications using the same host and port?
  • Or is it recommended to use a second bricklet.

To keep the two applications fully independently, I try to avoid an exchange of the measurements between the two applications through a kind of communication-protocol.

Looking forward to any suggestions and hints.




Is it safe and reliable to access an Industrial-Counter-Bricklet (or any other bricklet) reading the values from two individual applications using the same host and port?

Yes, this should be safe. The Industrial Counter Bricklet performs all its measurements and calculations independent of any data communication and simply returns whatever data it has stored internally upon request, so querying it from multiple clients should be perfectly fine. The bricklet should be able to handle several hundred queries per second, so two queries per five seconds is basically nothing.

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