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CO2 bricklet not working correctly


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I have a tinkerforge weather station to which I added a CO2 bricklet, among other sensors. Recently, the CO2 bricklet has started displaying inaccurate values, sometimes dropping to 0 ppm, even though the minimum reading should be around 400 ppm. Do you have any idea what might be causing this issue? Should I consider replacing the bricklet?


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As far as i understand how the CO2 sensor we use works, it should automatically recalibrate itself to ~400PPM after some time:


The automatic self-calibration (ASC) algorithm autonomously generates a reference value by analyzing the measured CO2 concentration over a period of time.

The correct application of ASC requires the SCD30 to be regularly exposed to air with CO2 concentration = 400 ppm, as is the case in well ventilated buildings over night without human presence.

So when the sensor sees a specific PPM concentration regularly, it will calibrate itself towards this value being 400 PPM.

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