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  1. HI, Thanks for the help, it's working now from perl and C from the BBB
  2. Hi, I reinstalled the os(debian) on the BBB and now i can connect with the Brick Viewer over the network and i can switch on and off ITL-210 Dimmer only it's not working with perl. in the Viewer i set the address to 1234 and the unit to 1 with this configuration it works, but if i set the same values in the perl script i get root@beaglebone:~/perl/scripts/bricklet/remote_switch# ./example_switch_socket.pl Character in 'C' format wrapped in pack at /root/perl/lib/Tinkerforge/Device.pm line 147. Press any key to exit... Br, Vuko
  3. bellow is the log in debug mode
  4. Hi Loetkolben, Thanks for the replay, i tried connecting from my PC with Brickviewer via network but it's not connecting. this is the entry from the log when i tray to connect. 2014-07-29 12:21:48.863000 <I> <network|network.c:105> Added new client (S: 12, T: plain, P:, A: disabled)
  5. HI, I got a mater bricket and a Remote Switch Bricklet to control Intertechno ITL-210 Dimmer (flush-mounted) B, from windows everything works fine when using Brick Viewer i installed the service on beagle bone black and from the logs i can see that the master brick was detected when connected to the USB. i tried using perl exemple to turn on and off the lights but with no success i'm not sure if i'm configuring it the right way. using example_switch_socket.pl on the constant UID do i put the master bricket or Remote Switch Bricklet ID? and i'm not 100% sure on the order of switch_socket(XXX, YYY,$rs->SWITCH_TO_ON); is the XXX the address from Brick Viewer and YYY is the Unit? when i run ./example_switch_socket.pl root@beaglebone:~/perl/scripts/bricklet/remote_switch# ./example_switch_socket.pl Character in 'C' format wrapped in pack at /root/perl/plugin/Tinkerforge/Device.pm line 147. Press any key to exit... and the log file 2014-07-25 14:02:47.500698 <I> <other|main_linux.c:399> Brick Daemon 2.1.0 started (daemonized) 2014-07-25 14:02:47.766618 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 1, device: 2) at index 0: Master Brick [6JLxVA] 2014-07-25 14:03:53.043673 <I> <network|network.c:105> Added new client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) 2014-07-25 14:03:56.122124 <I> <network|client.c:242> Client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) disconnected by peer 2014-07-25 14:18:29.056831 <I> <usb|usb.c:313> Removing USB device (bus: 1, device: 2) at index 0: Master Brick [6JLxVA] 2014-07-25 14:18:29.662647 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 1, device: 3) at index 0: Master Brick [6JLxVA] 2014-07-25 14:18:41.221222 <I> <network|network.c:105> Added new client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) 2014-07-25 14:18:42.269642 <I> <network|client.c:242> Client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) disconnected by peer 2014-07-25 14:19:41.478672 <I> <network|network.c:105> Added new client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) 2014-07-25 14:19:42.479255 <I> <network|client.c:242> Client (S: 16, T: plain, P:, A: disabled) disconnected by peer Br, Vuko
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