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Hi, an UV Light bricklet is used with a Master Brick 2.1 (fw 2.4.0) and the new WiFi 2.0 extension (fw 2.0.0). The value returned from Java method getUVLight() is rather high, like 80000 which results in a too high UV index when deviding by 250. When deviding again by 250 (80000 / 250 / 250), then UV index seems ok. Think this is a bug. Pls advice.
Moisture Bricklet to Master Brick max cable length
ein Thema hat rwblinn erstellt in: General Discussion
Hi, want to place several moisture bricklets in the garden. 1) any advice what the max shielded cable length is between a moisture bricklet and a master brick? 2) any advice on a waterproof case as outside usage for a moisture bricklet? -
Step Down Power Supply to Power a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
ein Thema hat rwblinn erstellt in: General Discussion
Would there be any issues by doing so? The 5V, 5A output should be sufficient I think. -
Is it possible to build a Stack with a Step Down Power Supply and 3 Master Bricks = MasterBrick 2.0 + Master Brick 2.1 + Master Brick 2.0? Just curious if the version difference of the Master Bricks will cause any issues?
Checked and working fine. Thanks a Lot
Just a hint The link states the suffix "uv_light" to be used BUT the MQTT JSON response is "intensity" when subscribing to the uvlight: tinkerforge/bricklet/uv_light/x84/uv_light This is not documented.
After using $sudo pip install tinkerforge --upgrade all fine. What is missing, is the a linkt in the MQTT Documentation for the UV bricklet.
Hi, downloaded the latest version of the TF MQTT proxy to be able to use the UV bricklet. After installation received, error message below. Please advice. $ pip install tinkerforge Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): tinkerforge in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages Cleaning up... $ sudo python brick-mqtt-proxy.py& [1] 10498 pi@raspberrypi ~/tinkerforge/mqtt $ Traceback (most recent call last): File "brick-mqtt-proxy.py", line 92, in <module> from tinkerforge.bricklet_uv_light import BrickletUVLight ImportError: No module named bricklet_uv_light
openhab is timeouting on masterbrick.
Thema antwortete auf rwblinns xsherlock in: General Discussion
Hi Theo, thanks for your reply but what are the next steps to resolve this issue? Please advice. Much Appreciated. -
openhab is timeouting on masterbrick.
Thema antwortete auf rwblinns xsherlock in: General Discussion
I am experiencing a similiar error: 2016-03-25 07:11:25.198 [ERROR] [t.i.m.i.MBrickletBarometerImpl] - Tinkerforge Error: Tinkerforge timeout occurred : Did not receive response in time for function ID 1 In addition, from time to time after running openHAB for a while (rTS is the UID for the Barometer Bricklet): - COMMAND no tinkerforge device found for command for item uid: rTS subId: null After resetting the Master Brick and openHAB, the error disappears, but comes back after openHAB runs for a while. Setup: Raspberry Pi 3 with latest Raspian (Jessie) Master Brick 2.0 with Temperature, Humidity and Barometer Bricklet openHAB 1.8.1, TinkerForge Bindings org.openhab.action.tinkerforge-1.8.1.jar and org.openhab.binding.tinkerforge-1.8.1.jar -
By... Items Number Illuminance "Illuminance [%.0f Lux]" <none> String IlluminanceTimeStamp "Illuminance Timestamp [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" <none> String IlluminanceRaw "IlluminanceRaw [%s]" <none> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tinkerforge/bricklet/ambient_light/mdh/illuminance:state:default]" } Sitemap sitemap ambientlightmqtt label="MQTT Illuminance" { Frame { Text item=Illuminance Text item=IlluminanceTimeStamp Text item=IlluminanceRaw } } Rules = UNIX timestamp conversion needs to be improved. import org.openhab.core.library.types.* import org.openhab.core.persistence.* import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* import org.joda.time.* rule "MqttAmbientLightParse" when Item IlluminanceRaw changed then //Convert the raw data to a string var String data = (IlluminanceRaw.state as StringType).toString //Parse the JSON string // { "illuminance":1354,"_timestamp":1456750088.109141 } //Illuminance var String il = transform("JSONPATH", "$.illuminance", data) var iln = new Double(il) iln = iln * 0.1 Illuminance.postUpdate( iln) //Timestamp var String ts = transform("JSONPATH", "$._timestamp", data) //THIS NEEDS TOBE IMPROVED ts = ts.replaceAll("E9", "") ts = ts.replaceAll("[.]", "") //IlluminanceTimeStamp.postUpdate(ts) var DateTime dt = new DateTime(Long::parseLong(ts) * 1000L) IlluminanceTimeStamp.postUpdate(new DateTimeType(dt.toString)) end
Hi, as a test tried to setup openHAB MQTT displaying AmbientLight bricklet Illuminance BUT nothing is displayed. Any idea what could be wrong? Items Number Illuminance "Illuminance [%.0f Lux]" <none> { } String IlluminanceRaw "IlluminanceRaw" [%s] <none> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tinkerforge/bricklet/ambient_light/mdh/illuminance:state:default]" } Rule import org.openhab.core.library.types.* import org.openhab.core.persistence.* import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* rule "MqttAmbientLightParse" when Item IlluminanceRaw changed then var String json = (IlluminanceRaw.state as StringType).toString logInfo("FILE", json) //{"illuminance":1354,"_timestamp":1456750088.109141} var String il = transform("JSONPATH", "$.illuminance", json) logInfo("FILE", "IL="+il) var String ts = transform("JSONPATH", "$._timestamp", json) logInfo("FILE", "TS="+ts) sendCommand(Illuminance, il) end sitemap sitemap ambientlightmqtt label="MQTT Illuminance" { Frame { Text item=Illuminance Text item=IlluminanceRaw } }
Thanks for your help. Installed Mosquitto by using: sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients python-mosquitto It is working fine now.
Hi, tried to install on the RED Brick via Brick Viewer > RED Brick > Programs. After creating, receiving following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "brick-mqtt-proxy.py", line 1003, in <module> proxy.connect() File "brick-mqtt-proxy.py", line 888, in connect self.client.connect(self.broker_host, self.broker_port) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 612, in connect return self.reconnect() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 734, in reconnect sock = socket.create_connection((self._host, self._port), source_address=(self._bind_address, 0)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection raise err socket.error: [Errno 97] Address family not supported by protocol The red brick configuration file (tfrba) is attached. Any help appreciated. red-brick-export-20160229-110050.tfrba
Removed the rule "LED Switch". Switching the LED connected to the IO16 Bricklet Port A0 is working fine.
Hi, connected a LED to A0 of the IO16 bricklet. Using the Brick Viewer and setting the Port Direction to Output, the LED can be turned on and off via changing the value Low to High vv. Tried to setup the same by using openHAB, but the LED is not reacting. Any hints what is worng in below openHAB Testconfiguration having Port A0 as output outa0? #openhab.cfg tinkerforge:hosts= tinkerforge:io16.uid=gkM tinkerforge:io16.type=bricklet_io16 tinkerforge:io16.debouncePeriod=100 tinkerforge:io16outa0.uid=gkM tinkerforge:io16outa0.subid=outa0 tinkerforge:io16outa0.type=io_actuator tinkerforge:io16outa0.defaultState=true #items Number TF_AmbientLight "Luminance [%.0f lx]" { tinkerforge="uid=mdh" } Switch outa0 "LED A0" { tinkerforge="uid=gkM, subid=outa0" } #rules import org.openhab.core.library.types.* rule "LED Switch" when Item outa0 changed then if (outa0.state == true) sendcommand(outa0, false) else sendcommand(outa0, true) end NOTE: Instead of true false also tried ON OFF. #sitemap sitemap tf_weather_station label="Weather Station" { Frame { Text item=TF_AmbientLight Switch item=outa0 } }
Hi, pls advice where to find the openHAB binding for the UV Light Bricklet.
Hi, noticed that the brick-mqtt-proxy is not by default installed on the red-brick - using image 1.8 What is the best way to install on the red-brick the brick-mqtt-proxy and ensure it is automatically started during boot?
MakerBeam Smartphone Holder
ein Thema hat rwblinn erstellt in: Project introductions and project ideas
Just a bit of fun what can be build with MakerBeam . Smartphone Holder = rather handy when developing Apps or watching Newsfeeds and the likes. -
You're spot on. Good to know. Solved. Thanks for swift reply.
Hi, where to find the latest version of the Brick Viewer 2.3.3 for the Raspberry Pi? Wanted to use the new OLED 64x48 bricklet connected to the Raspberry Pi, but version brickv 2.3.0 states unknow device. Tried below to update, but still brickv 2.3.0: wget http://download.tinkerforge.com/tools/brickv/linux/brickv_linux_latest.deb sudo dpkg -i brickv_linux_latest.deb
Brick MQTT Proxy - LCD20x4 How to Button Control
Thema antwortete auf rwblinns rwblinn in: General Discussion
Have tested and is working fine. Thanks. Consideration To check by the application which button is pressed, the JSON string is parsed. The keys checked are "0": ... "3":. The only caution is that the JSON string does not contain the word Button or LCD20x4, so in case "0": ... "3": are also used for other messages then a conflict is the result. -
Brick MQTT Proxy - LCD20x4 How to Button Control
ein Thema hat rwblinn erstellt in: General Discussion
Hi, for the LCD20x4 how to control the 4 buttons using the MQTT Proxy, e.g. when pressing a Button an action is triggered using publish and how to subscribe. -
Brick MQTT Proxy - LCD20x4 Display Special Chars?
Thema antwortete auf rwblinns rwblinn in: General Discussion
Works with correction: Char range is from \u0008 to \u000F BTW: Have written (in B4J) a small utility http://www.rwblinn.de/iot/tflcdcharmaker.htm helping to define Custom Chars for the LCD Bricklet. -
Brick MQTT Proxy - LCD20x4 Display Special Chars?
Thema antwortete auf rwblinns rwblinn in: General Discussion
One more related question is how to write a custom char. The standard table does not contain arrow up. Question is how to translate the custom arrow up from bytes to the hex value to be displayed as asked previous. * ``character[0] = 0b00000000`` (decimal value 0) * ``character[1] = 0b00000100`` (decimal value 4) * ``character[2] = 0b00001010`` (decimal value 10) * ``character[3] = 0b00011011`` (decimal value 27) * ``character[4] = 0b00000100`` (decimal value 4) * ``character[5] = 0b00000100`` (decimal value 4) * ``character[6] = 0b00001110`` (decimal value 14) * ``character[7] = 0b00000000`` (decimal value 0) Appreciate your help