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Quantum Bricklet

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  1. Very interesting indeed. Thanks very much.
  2. Hi Much appreciation for your reply and for sharing your info from the TF guys. I'm pretty indecisive at the best of times but I think now that I've heard enough for me to be able to make up my mind about what to do next. Thanks again.
  3. Hello again, Could somebody possibly tell me approximately the maximum length of wire that can be used for jump cables between the multi touch sensor bricklet and the touch sensors ? I note that the details for creating pads with the Giant Game Pad kit says that a 10m length of wire can be cut into 12 sections suggesting maybe or maybe not that maximum length is limited to under 1m. Is that example just a result of the quantity of wire being sold in the kit or is there an actual limit before the touch sensoring becomes impractical ? I'm thinking I could possible use this in a classroom setting for multiple projects and the longer the length of the jumpers for any one project the better. 3 or 4 meters per cable (between bricklet and any one sensor) perhaps or even longer ? Also - is it possible to say how soon it will be before the Giant game pad kit is available ? I'm eager to buy some bricks/bricklets and accessories but don't want to purchase anything until I can get them shipped together to save costs. Thanks for any info.
  4. Thanks for this answer. It's just what I needed to know I will probably try and find out a bit more about the relay board before making a decision but it's great to know that the individual relay option will work without additional components.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm seeking advice on the best way to switch a set of small electric motors (they don't need to be steppers) (each 1.5-4.5 volts - with a listed typical current 3.50 mA) using the IO-16 bricklet. Just in case it's relevant they will just be switched on and off momentarily at a time. Not kept on in a running mode. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I understand for various reasons it's not a good idea to try and power these directly from the IO bricklet so I'm wondering whether to go with a set of 5 Volt reed relays Nominal coil voltage: 5Vdc Pull-in voltage: 3.75Vdc max. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/5v-single-pole-dil-reed-relay-fx88v or an all in one relay circuit like this 5V 8 channel relay module board: http://www.banggood.com/5V-8-Channel-Relay-Module-Board-For-Arduino-PIC-AVR-DSP-ARM-p-74110.html?currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_content=miko_ruby&utm_campaign=Electronic-xie-uk&gclid=CL_lrbiS57sCFabLtAod_CkAZA I need to keep things simple for now as I'm entirely new to this so a part of me says just connect up the IO-16 bricklet directly to the reed relays. I know the actual voltage from the IO brick is only 4.5 but as the pull-in voltage of the relay is 3.75 I'm assuming this will be fine. Unfortunately my current knowledge of electric circuits is limited to Ohms law so using this very basic knowledge and the specs for the relay am I right in thinking I can just connect these up without any additional components just by plugging these into a board and running some very short wires to the relays from each IO output ? I think this is ok if I switch one relay at a time but is it ok if I switch maybe 3 or 4 at once ? Obviously I will use an external power source for the current being switched by the relays - that's not my concern) Alternatively - should I use something like the 8 channel relay board. It's much cheaper than a whole lot of individual reed relays if I need say 15 or more relays but I feel I'm out of my depth with this at the moment as I couldn't find any information on just how to use the board. Could it possibly be as simple as connecting a power supply to the board and then power the on board relays by connecting up the IO outputs to the relays on the board ? Two final questions. If I went with the board option could I split the 16 outputs from the IO bricklet between 2 relay boards. (Each relay board only has 8 relays so I would need to do this) If I go with the reed relay option do I need to worry about impedence and fit resistors into the circuit ? (I don't want to do this if it is unavoidable. As I said - I want to keep things simple for now) Thanks for any help. ps: I haven't bought any bricks or bricklets yet but I think the whole idea is brilliant. I've never felt confident enough to try any projects of this sort before but this seems a great way to experiment and learn at the same time. Being able to use your favourite code is great too.
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