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Well, you can do what ever you want with the data from Linear/Rotary Potis or Joysticks on your PC. Controlling volume or the pitch for a sound or something like that would be quite easy, i would guess. You can attach buttons to the IO4 and IO16 bricklet. The API for both has callbacks that trigger you if a button is pressed/released and you can set a debounce period. Cheers, Olaf
Hi Team, I really like the stackable 'Lego' approach! When looking through the shop I came across the Rotary Poti and the Joystick bricklets and I was wondering if this could make for a simple Midi instrument/controller? Any plans for pushbuttons and are there ways to make off-the shelve buttons work with the system? Interested to find out. Kind regards, D.
I too would like to see kits .. or suggested parts lists , suitable for CNC projects and some R/C type stuff. I build R/C brushless fomie jets , and would love to make a CNC cutter . but then i see all what else you did in your video .. I would be happy to see parts lists and possibly sample code / or starter code for saidprojects . I am currently coding a 3D editor (C++) .. and can only immagine what crazy stuff i could get up to if i mixed all 3 . blows my mind.
The wireless extension and software for some other unreleased Bricks and Bricklets has priority. I can't give you a concrete release date for the kits, but we will probably launch the first kits early next year.
I'am very interesting about KITs and I ask you when you have scheduled the launching of any?
I think everything you said is possible with the wireless extension or the rs485 extension (both not released yet). You will need power everywhere you put a Brick. If you use the step-down powersupply (https://shop.tinkerforge.com/powersupplies/step-down-powersupply.html) you can input anything between 6V and 27V. Since the power usage of the Bricks is relatively small, a long wire to the powersupply shouldn't be a problem. Cheers, Olaf
Hi first of all, congrats! This is a very cool idea! I am interested to know if this will be a cheaper way to tackle home automation? I'm assuming that the distance between the power source and between bricks does not matter? (I still prefer wired to wireless.) For example you have a motor at the curtain you want to open with a bricklet next to/close to it. You then have a (controlling) brick close to the alarm panel which would provide inputs to the brick. For example, when you switch the alarm on it might send a signal to the brick which then closes all the curtains for you. Then somewhere in the same room as the curtains you might have a slider bricklet which will allow you to open the curtains a certain percentage. Regards and good luck! Paul
Of course we welcome any type of contribution. I could imagine some kind of mailing list where we can openly discuss selections for sensors and other ICs, cost optimizations and so on. I have a hard time to imagine a true collaboration where many people are working at the design of a circuit board at the same time, as it is done in software. That is just not possible with the open source hardware design tools that are currently available. We already design our hardware openly at github (e.g. https://github.com/Tinkerforge/servo-brick/tree/master/hardware). But if two people were to work at that at the same time, there would be unresolvable merge conflicts every time you push/pull something. What do you think? How could hardware engineering contributions work?
Hi team, I am willing to contribute to the project by means of hardware engineering? If neccessary, let me know. Regards, BW
When the wireless extension will be available?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
We have working wireless extension here, but we have to do some tests and write the documentation for it. We hope that we can release it before Christmas Day. Cheers, Bastian -
When the wireless extension will be available?
ein Thema hat tf_archiv erstellt in: General Discussion
When the wireless extension will be available? -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
You could "beat" a usb webcam in many ways : webcam need x86 pc and driver for it most of the time webcam have 30° angle, it's too narrow most of the time (60° is more generic, but you could also want to have 180° or even 360° using a mirror for robotics) You could add a traitement chip (as for kinect), to produce an image pre-processed like with color preprocessed using ambiant light as reference. You could also add basic traitement like a mouse like one, that give mouvement of the camera it-self (for robotique), or track few objects on image (track lights or specific object, like the pink ball of the sony Aibo ). -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
In my opinion a camera would be very nice. @Bastian: If a normal USB Camera should be used for this, the already named USB-Hub/Port or something like this gets more important. The greatest beneficial of a camera-Bricklet (which sends the images live to the pc) might be, that you can use the images easier for your programms. E.g. for live control a robot or a quadrocopter from first person / drivers view. Maybe there is a compromise: TinkerForge could provide an USB-Port-Bricklet and a Software (a kind of wrapper-code maybe) wich gives you the possibility to easy use and control your own webcams such that you are able to use your own webcam in the robot, controling it by your provided code. In this case we don't have to use software from other providers. This makes it easier to use. What do you think about a solution of this kind? -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
Barometric bricklet is missing too. To build a weather station, there are already a temperature briclet, a humidity and anbient light bricklet, but no barometric measurement? -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
Posibility to connect different cameras as external connection would be cool. That gives me an idea of building automated HD stereo rig -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
An IMU Brick with 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and compass will be available in the next weeks. A GPS Bricklet or Brick is on our list of planned modules, currently I can't say when it will be available. Do you have special ideas regarding the camera? Wouldn't do a simple webcam? We will never be able to compete on price with it... Cheers, Bastian -
Are there any more bricklets planned for the future?
ein Thema hat tf_archiv erstellt in: General Discussion
I would love a video camera, altimeter, gyroscope(which I think I saw in the video), and GPS. I want to build a quadrocopter. -
Will there be some kind of a project wiki?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
Very good -
Will there be some kind of a project wiki?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
thumbs up* -
Will there be some kind of a project wiki?
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: General Discussion
Yes, we are planing to set up a wiki. A wiki is also a good place for community written documentation in different languages. I hope we manage to bring it online before the end of the year. cheers, Olaf -
Will there be any place where the community collect their ideas and projects.
Wird es auch Bindings für Delphi geben ?
ein Thema hat tf_archiv erstellt in: Allgemeine Diskussionen
Entwickle bisher nur in Delphi wenn es ums Programmieren von Schrittmotoren ging. -
Erase Button, Brick w/o Funktion
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: Allgemeine Diskussionen
Die Beschreibung hat geholfen, danke. -
Erase Button, Brick w/o Funktion
Thema antwortete auf tf_archivs tf_archiv in: Allgemeine Diskussionen
Das ist hier erklärt: http://www.tinkerforge.com/doc/Software/Firmwares_And_Plugins.html#flash-firmware-on-a-brick Dafür brauchst du SAM-BA: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/sam-ba_2.11.exe (windows), http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/sam-ba_2.11.zip (linux) Zusätzlich musst du die bootloader für unsere Bricks in das SAM-BA Verzeichnis entpacken (nach dem installieren): http://download.tinkerforge.com/tools/samba/samba_files_latest.zip Beim start at91sam3s4-brick für das Master Brick wählen. Danach auf "Connect" klicken (die blaue LED sollte dann an gehen). Firmware auswählen (http://www.tinkerforge.com/doc/Downloads.html#brick-firmwares-and-bricklet-plugins), bei dem folgenden Popup "Yes" auswählen. Danach "Boot from Flash (GPNVM1)" auswählen und "execute" klicken. Dann das Brick neustarten (USB raus/rein oder reset drücken). Fertig. Grüße, Olaf PS: Normalerweise kommt man in den Bootloader wenn man beim starten des Bricks "Erase" drückt, nicht wenn man es 2 Sekunden lang drückt. -
Wie bekommt man den Masterbaustein wieder zum Laufen, wenn man länger als 2 Sekunden den Erasebutton betätigt hat und die Status LED nicht mehr leuchtet?