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  1. The output is: gpiochip0 - 32 lines: line 0: "-" unused input active-high line 1: "2712_BOOT_CS_N" "spi10 CS0" output active-low [used] line 2: "2712_BOOT_MISO" unused input active-high line 3: "2712_BOOT_MOSI" unused input active-high line 4: "2712_BOOT_SCLK" unused input active-high line 5: "-" unused input active-high line 6: "-" unused input active-high line 7: "-" unused input active-high line 8: "-" unused input active-high line 9: "-" unused input active-high line 10: "-" unused input active-high line 11: "-" unused input active-high line 12: "-" unused input active-high line 13: "-" unused input active-high line 14: "PCIE_SDA" unused input active-high line 15: "PCIE_SCL" unused input active-high line 16: "-" unused input active-high line 17: "-" unused input active-high line 18: "-" unused input active-high line 19: "-" unused input active-high line 20: "PWR_GPIO" "pwr_button" input active-low [used] line 21: "2712_G21_FS" unused input active-high line 22: "-" unused input active-high line 23: "-" unused input active-high line 24: "BT_RTS" unused input active-high line 25: "BT_CTS" unused input active-high line 26: "BT_TXD" unused input active-high line 27: "BT_RXD" unused input active-high line 28: "WL_ON" "wl_on_reg" output active-high [used] line 29: "BT_ON" "shutdown" output active-high [used] line 30: "WIFI_SDIO_CLK" unused input active-high line 31: "WIFI_SDIO_CMD" unused input active-high gpiochip1 - 4 lines: line 0: "WIFI_SDIO_D0" unused input active-high line 1: "WIFI_SDIO_D1" unused input active-high line 2: "WIFI_SDIO_D2" unused input active-high line 3: "WIFI_SDIO_D3" unused input active-high gpiochip2 - 17 lines: line 0: "RP1_SDA" unused input active-high line 1: "RP1_SCL" unused input active-high line 2: "RP1_RUN" "RP1 RUN pin" output active-high [used] line 3: "SD_IOVDD_SEL" "vdd-sd-io" output active-high [used] line 4: "SD_PWR_ON" "sd_vcc_reg" output active-high [used] line 5: "SD_CDET_N" "cd" input active-low [used] line 6: "SD_FLG_N" unused input active-high line 7: "-" unused input active-high line 8: "2712_WAKE" unused input active-high line 9: "2712_STAT_LED" "ACT" output active-low [used] line 10: "-" unused input active-high line 11: "-" unused input active-high line 12: "PMIC_INT" unused input active-high line 13: "UART_TX_FS" unused input active-high line 14: "UART_RX_FS" unused input active-high line 15: "-" unused input active-high line 16: "-" unused input active-high gpiochip3 - 6 lines: line 0: "HDMI0_SCL" unused input active-high line 1: "HDMI0_SDA" unused input active-high line 2: "HDMI1_SCL" unused input active-high line 3: "HDMI1_SDA" unused input active-high line 4: "PMIC_SCL" unused input active-high line 5: "PMIC_SDA" unused input active-high gpiochip4 - 54 lines: line 0: "ID_SDA" unused input active-high line 1: "ID_SCL" unused input active-high line 2: "GPIO2" unused input active-high line 3: "GPIO3" unused input active-high line 4: "GPIO4" unused input active-high line 5: "GPIO5" unused input active-high line 6: "GPIO6" unused input active-high line 7: "GPIO7" "spi0 CS1" output active-low [used] line 8: "GPIO8" "spi0 CS0" output active-low [used] line 9: "GPIO9" unused input active-high line 10: "GPIO10" unused input active-high line 11: "GPIO11" unused input active-high line 12: "GPIO12" unused input active-high line 13: "GPIO13" unused input active-high line 14: "GPIO14" unused input active-high line 15: "GPIO15" unused input active-high line 16: "GPIO16" unused input active-high line 17: "GPIO17" unused input active-high line 18: "GPIO18" unused input active-high line 19: "GPIO19" unused input active-high line 20: "GPIO20" unused input active-high line 21: "GPIO21" unused input active-high line 22: "GPIO22" unused output active-high line 23: "GPIO23" unused output active-high line 24: "GPIO24" unused output active-high line 25: "GPIO25" unused output active-high line 26: "GPIO26" unused output active-high line 27: "GPIO27" unused output active-high line 28: "PCIE_RP1_WAKE" unused input active-high line 29: "FAN_TACH" unused input active-high line 30: "HOST_SDA" unused input active-high line 31: "HOST_SCL" unused input active-high line 32: "ETH_RST_N" "phy-reset" output active-low [used] line 33: "-" unused input active-high line 34: "CD0_IO0_MICCLK" "cam0_reg" output active-high [used] line 35: "CD0_IO0_MICDAT0" unused input active-high line 36: "RP1_PCIE_CLKREQ_N" unused input active-high line 37: "-" unused input active-high line 38: "CD0_SDA" unused input active-high line 39: "CD0_SCL" unused input active-high line 40: "CD1_SDA" unused input active-high line 41: "CD1_SCL" unused input active-high line 42: "USB_VBUS_EN" unused output active-high line 43: "USB_OC_N" unused input active-high line 44: "RP1_STAT_LED" "PWR" output active-low [used] line 45: "FAN_PWM" unused output active-high line 46: "CD1_IO0_MICCLK" "cam1_reg" output active-high [used] line 47: "2712_WAKE" unused input active-high line 48: "CD1_IO1_MICDAT1" unused input active-high line 49: "EN_MAX_USB_CUR" unused output active-high line 50: "-" unused input active-high line 51: "-" unused input active-high line 52: "-" unused input active-high line 53: "-" unused input active-high
  2. Thanks! While not getting the GPIO error again, I am now getting a new one though: 2024-05-29 15:33:36.626559 <I> <main_linux.c:369> Brick Daemon 2.4.6+snapshot~730b7d7 started (pid: 38985, daemonized: 0) 2024-05-29 15:33:36.626572 <I> <main_linux.c:375> Running on Linux system (sysname: Linux, release: 6.8.0-1004-raspi, version: #4-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Apr 20 02:29:55 UTC 2024, machine: aarch64) 2024-05-29 15:33:36.637842 <I> <bricklet.c:274> Found supported HAT product_id 0x084e in device tree, using default HAT Brick config 2024-05-29 15:33:36.637852 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port A (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO23, num: 23) 2024-05-29 15:33:36.637903 <I> <bricklet_stack_linux.c:87> Using spidev backend for Bricklets (unsupported suffix 5 after 'Raspberry Pi' in /proc/device-tree/model) Segmentation fault (core dumped) Reads like a memory error. Any idea what's going on? Edit: Running brickd with sudo causes following error: $ sudo brickd 2024-05-29 15:40:05.952884 <I> <main_linux.c:369> Brick Daemon 2.4.6+snapshot~730b7d7 started (pid: 39560, daemonized: 0) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.952902 <I> <main_linux.c:375> Running on Linux system (sysname: Linux, release: 6.8.0-1004-raspi, version: #4-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Apr 20 02:29:55 UTC 2024, machine: aarch64) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.959147 <I> <bricklet.c:274> Found supported HAT product_id 0x084e in device tree, using default HAT Brick config 2024-05-29 15:40:05.959153 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port A (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO23, num: 23) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.959186 <I> <bricklet_stack_linux.c:87> Using spidev backend for Bricklets (unsupported suffix 5 after 'Raspberry Pi' in /proc/device-tree/model) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.960048 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port B (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO22, num: 22) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.960841 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port C (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO25, num: 25) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.961438 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port D (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO26, num: 26) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.962076 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port E (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO27, num: 27) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.962680 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port F (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO24, num: 24) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.963279 <I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port G (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO7, num: 7) 2024-05-29 15:40:05.963771 <E> <bricklet_stack_linux_spidev.c:285> Could not reserve line for ouput gpiochip4 7: EBUSY (16) 2024-05-29 15:40:06.963663 <I> <main_linux.c:563> Brick Daemon 2.4.6+snapshot~730b7d7 stopped
  3. I encountered the same error on my Raspberry Pi 5 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. When trying to run brickd I receive: <I> <bricklet_stack_linux.c:87> Using spidev backend for Bricklets (unsupported suffix 5 after 'Raspbery Pi ' in /proc/device-tree/model <E> <bricklet_stack_linux.c:84> Failed to find line GPIO23:EACCES (13) This happens with the .deb provided by @rtrbt as well as installing brickd via apt-get (although the GPIO number differs between versions). Any ideas or pointers how to fix it?
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