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  1. @rtrbt I'm onnected to the 3rd provider without any issue (wattify.be) But now my local NFC cards don't work any more (for if I don't want to bill the session) Is there a way this should/could work? If I understand it correctly the feature "LocalAuthListManagement" should be enabled/implemented for this?
  2. @rtrbt Our fleetmaneger has sent the same request for hooking me up to another operator. If that one says no, we will be opening talks with a 3rd provider we have not yet done business with.
  3. @rtrbt they answerd my question: Good afternoon Filip, We inquired with the back office system (LMS). Unfortunately, Tinkerforge GmbH does not yet have a certificate/collaboration with LMS, so we cannot currently onboard WARP2. Tinkerforge can apply for this certificate itself. That process does take some time. Kind regards, Can tinkerforge inquiry what would be the minimum requirements?
  4. @rtrbt Will using EVCC conflict with OCPP?
  5. Yes, did see that: - Fix OCPP connection not being reestablished when closed by the server with specific timing Will do!
  6. Hi all! I've ordered the Warp2 Pro 22kW yesterday 🥳 , and want to use OCPP 1.6j to point to the backoffice of MobilityPlus or Stroohm so they can manage the billing of my charger. I have no experience with OCPP or how good this standard is and the implementation of Wrap2 of the standard. Can anyone give me information to up my chances of getting this done successfully? Any stories to share? Boyond this I've read that recent firmwares support MQTT autodetect for Home Assistant. Will check this out for sure. Update: it seems the actual processor will be https://www.lastmilesolutions.com/
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