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  1. Video is not needed, very sorry for the confusion, the sensor is working properly. Last time when I did the test on the outside have to be affected by the weather, and my shaky hand is that I did it right behind the open window. It's amazing how reading has stabilized at a time when the sensor had a moment alone. My next step is suggested sensor fusion with IMU and GPS.
  2. When i be at home i will try to record a video.
  3. oscilation 1-3mbar is normal for this sensor? I have test it 5 minutes outside its fast sinusoid bechavior, going up and down +-20-30m.
  4. sorry did't get that first time.
  5. so this is just a trick ? thought that You move sensor up and down to graph was not a flat line. But anyway in this image it look more solid (Altitude values). http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/_images/Bricklets/bricklet_barometer_brickv.jpg
  6. x-IMU code is open source. So if u have some time for try to implement in TF IMU and test it how its work i will be more then happy https://code.google.com/p/imumargalgorithm30042010sohm/downloads/list
  7. The latency over Wi-Fi is bigger then over Bluetooth?
  8. How this is possible ? Beta test missing ?
  9. "its way more faster" i meant that in current version TF Imu transmit data to slow over Wi-Fi extension to be able to use it. I have try use it in head tracking application for use in computer game "Euro Truck Simulator 2". Its work ok over USB. I will try re calibrate Imu when i will have free time, but first i have to read how to accomplish that.
  10. If I knew how, it would long ago did. If its good then even at 3x price of TF IMU there is a market for it, u can take my word for it. If it will be on stock, the price is not a problem, for me 1.6m diameter spinning Rc heli blades at 2200 rpm is question of safety me and others in rage, and safety of expensive payload. TF have bright and shiny future, and i hope that they will be the best on the market, but they still have a lot of work to do.
  11. Just make test outside, same odd behavior but more difference +-20meters random oscillations.
  12. Look on this IMU (its way more faster, and accurate on wireless then Tinkerforge IMU over USB) http://www.x-io.co.uk/x-imu-demos/ and watch first movie, its working exceptionally well Using this IMU to log walking path Maybe it will be an inspiration to improve Tinkerforge products.
  13. Barometer bricket did not move an inch testing was in house with closed windows and doors, but its shows like he move almost 2m and "moving up and down" all the time. Showing that way soon after purchase and now after the latest firmware update. What can I do to make it fix?
  14. //EDIT Yes. I will try to Update all my brick-s and brickets to new protocol, and try again. Its look like to me that gyroscope sensor used in IMU feeds to much error in sensor data to Kalman Filter algorithm.
  15. But if "On device programming" will be possible then ? Q2: is it possible to change onboard algorithm to be less sluggish, and more acurate ? even if i use callbacks, imu.SetQuaternionPeriod(2); and try diffident value for SetConvergenceSpeed its still can by only only as toy not a tool, but i truly hope that will change in future.
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