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  1. I'm trying use that library with the C/C++ bindings for microcontrollers in F429 plattform. i saw that code, it used two spi with code select, But i have only use one Bricklet, this is not necessary to use 2 spi? Can i just change the code with one SPI or ? but it seems like, so much changes in the code......
  2. thank you! for sure it is helpful!!!
  3. Hello, i want ask more about error characteristics of measurement noise(current measurement), do you know, what is the value of the noise variance? Did you do some tests? Because i need variance in my Klaman filter project. Thanks.
  4. Hey guys, I'm using Voltage/Current Bricklet 2.0 in my project basic on Arduino....... So it is possible to connect with arduino. just ignore hardware connection, which Example should i look for to port into arduino platform!!! Thank you!!!!
  5. achso, thank you so much!!!!!!
  6. Hello, I dowloaded some example files,but i couldn't find like #include "xmc_spi.h" #include "xmc_device.h" #include "xmc_gpio.h" what are kinds of files, where can i find them? Thank you.
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