I have upgraded four of our systems from brickd 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6, and brickd stopped responding on all of them:
<I> <main_linux.c:385> Brick Daemon 2.4.6 started (architecture: arm, pid: 25228, daemonized: 1)
<I> <main_linux.c:391> Running on Linux system (sysname: Linux, release: 6.1.21-v7+, version: #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023, machine: armv7l)
<I> <bricklet.c:274> Found supported HAT product_id 0x084e in device tree, using default HAT Brick config
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port A (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO23, num: 23)
<I> <bricklet_stack_linux.c:87> Using spidev backend for Bricklets, because Raspberry Pi without BCM2835 detected
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port B (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO22, num: 22)
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port C (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO25, num: 25)
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port D (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO26, num: 26)
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port E (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO27, num: 27)
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port F (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO24, num: 24)
<I> <bricklet.c:315> Found Bricklet port G (spidev: /dev/spidev0.0, driver: gpio, name: GPIO7, num: 7)
<E> <bricklet_stack_linux_spidev.c:263> Could not find line GPIO7
<I> <main_linux.c:579> Brick Daemon 2.4.6 stopped
These systems are all Raspberry Pi 3 Model A Plus Rev 1.0 with a HAT Brick.
Downgrading to brickd 2.4.5 fixed the problem on all four systems, for now.
Is this a known issue?