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  1. Aha, I see there is a https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Hardware/Bricks/HAT_Brick.html#hat-brick for normal RPI...
  2. Greetings, Is it possible to connect more than 4 bricklets in a single setup? I am using a Pi Zero 2W together with HAT Zero which has 4 bricklet connectors. So in essence... can I extend the initial 4 ports of the HAT?
  3. Hi! Any update on this? GPS is still out of stock. Thanx
  4. u2ros

    GPS bricklet 2.1

    Hi, I see GPS bricklet 2.0 is out of stock and that 2.1 version is pending. Any ETA on when it hits the store?
  5. u2ros


    Is there perhaps a pyranometer (solar radiation) in the roadmap? Thanks
  6. Greetings, We are using GPS bricklet v2 in an airborne application and are experiencing an issue where as soon as the speed hits 215kmh or more, the returned speet value kind of overflows to 424242429 We had no such issue if we used v1 GPS bricklet. Anyone else stumbled upon this?
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