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  1. I also have many hundreds of euro's of tinkerforge stuff, but I'm 100% in favor of moving forward. Even if that brings some short term inconvenience. The current connectors are a weak point in an awesome system.
  2. Awesome! Thanks.
  3. Hello guys, I'm trying to design a custom control panel in inkscape that will be cut out of wood or plastic by a laser cutter. Can you share the design files for the cases with us so I can re-use some parts of it. Of course I'll post my design files as well. kind regards, Geert.
  4. Hey guys, The blog post about the master brick 2.1 says: Does this mean the 2.1 version of the master brick can use 8m bricklet cables since every bricklet port has its own bus?
  5. Hello everyone, I'd like to point you to an interview I did yesterday where I use Tinkerforge stuff to demo the RedHat Fuse product: http://blog.eisele.net/2014/10/developer-interview-di-6-geert-schuring.html Skip to around 8:00 if you're in a hurry Tinkerforge rocks guys!
  6. Hello everyone, I'd like to point you to an interview I did yesterday where I use Tinkerforge stuff to demo the RedHat Fuse product: http://blog.eisele.net/2014/10/developer-interview-di-6-geert-schuring.html Skip to around 8:00 if you're in a hurry Tinkerforge rocks guys!
  7. Hey Guys, I think it would be a great idea to create a bricklet that can control a display like this: http://www.adafruit.com/products/250 They are quite cheap, and the resolution combined with RGB backlight is just awesome! kind regards, Geert.
  8. Hey Guys, In a couple of months my employer is moving to a new office space. Several weeks from now the building will be prepared for our needs, which is the perfect opportunity for me to install some tinkerforge stuff throughout the office. If I can come up with a reasonable plan my employer will consider this. What would be the best/cheapest way to connect about 8 to 10 separate master bricks with each other?
  9. There you go: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/03/how-to-install-oracle-java-8-in-debian.html
  10. Thanks again. And congrats on your 1k forum posts.
  11. YES that worked! Awesome. I can now hook a whole bunch of bricks and bricklets to my odroid. GREAT! Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into my problem. Its very much appreciated!
  12. This is the log of brickd running on the Odroid: 2014-03-17 23:14:41.512984 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:01.129551 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 1, device: 51) at index 0: Master Brick [6QHQQb] 2014-03-17 23:15:14.699561 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 1, device: 52) at index 1: Master Brick [6DbrcQ] 2014-03-17 23:15:28.269694 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 1, device: 53) at index 2: Master Brick [6jEWkb] 2014-03-17 23:15:35.442208 <I> <network|client.c:74> Client (socket: 15, peer: disconnected by peer 2014-03-17 23:15:37.095135 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:37.098579 <E> <network|client.c:255> Could not send response to client (socket: 15, peer:, disconnecting it: EAGAIN (11) 2014-03-17 23:15:37.214632 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:37.378739 <E> <network|client.c:255> Could not send response to client (socket: 15, peer:, disconnecting it: EAGAIN (11) 2014-03-17 23:15:37.536632 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:37.598215 <E> <network|client.c:255> Could not send response to client (socket: 15, peer:, disconnecting it: EAGAIN (11) 2014-03-17 23:15:37.706233 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:37.745932 <E> <network|client.c:255> Could not send response to client (socket: 15, peer:, disconnecting it: EAGAIN (11) 2014-03-17 23:15:37.874373 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 15, peer: 2014-03-17 23:15:38.004635 <E> <network|client.c:255> Could not send response to client (socket: 15, peer:, disconnecting it: EAGAIN (11) You can see what I'm doing: Connect brickv running on my Mac to brickd running on Odroid Attach 3 bricks using 5m usb cables Disconnect Brickv and try to reconnect See the attachement for a screenshot of the brickv error message. Now the following is the log output of brickd running on my Mac. I've simply attached the same bricks setup to my mac, which is now running both brickd and brickv: 2014-03-17 23:26:08.477154 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 13, peer: 2014-03-17 23:26:15.523401 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 26, device: 5) at index 0: Master Brick [6QHQQb] 2014-03-17 23:26:15.845647 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 26, device: 6) at index 1: Master Brick [6DbrcQ] 2014-03-17 23:26:15.907285 <I> <usb|usb.c:144> Added USB device (bus: 26, device: 7) at index 2: Master Brick [6jEWkb] 2014-03-17 23:26:30.675503 <I> <network|client.c:74> Client (socket: 13, peer: disconnected by peer 2014-03-17 23:26:35.006954 <I> <network|network.c:94> Added new client (socket: 13, peer: No problem whatsoever...
  13. Thanks for your replies. I'm trying out several different setups to be able to answer your questions. I have a couple of answers already: - I'm seeing the problem on linux only. If I connect 3 master bricks using long (5m) usb cables and a USB hub to my Macbook Pro I have no problems at all! - The linux PC that I want to use is an Odroid U3. - The problem is not related to a particular cable or brick. - I can connect as much bricks as I want to the Odroid which all works fine... until I disconnect brickv from brickd and try to reconnect. So it looks like there's a problem in the brick/bricklets discovery mechanism on linux when a client connects. I have a Windows 8 laptop in the house (ugh) so I'll test on that one too. I'll have more answers in the coming days.
  14. Hey fellas, I'm running into trouble connecting multiple master bricks over USB to my PC. I have 3 master bricks installed in different rooms in my attic, and connect those with USB cables to a powered USB Hub, which is connected to my PC. However, if I connect more then 3 master bricks to the HUB brickv can no longer connect to brickd. If I attach 2 master bricks, then connect with brickv, and then connect the 3rd master brick to the USB Hub, I can see the third brick appear in brickv less then a second after plugging it in. But If I then disconnect brickv and try to reconnect it fails, and keeps failing until I disconnect one of the bricks. If i remember correctly I also get problems if I connect 2 master bricks with USB cables to 2 different USB ports on my Macbook. Are there any such problems known to you? These use-cases are quite important to my setup, so I would be more then happy to give more details on this problem in a Google Hangout or something. Kind regards, Geert Schuring.
  15. Hey Guys, I wouldn't buy any of these boards (voted). I love tinkerforge (spend over 400 euros on it, and not done yet ) so I'm not just being negative. I honestly think it would be a waste of time and energy to develop a new device from scratch when things like the Raspberry Pi (huge community) and the ODROID-U3 (1.7 Ghz Quad core, 2GB RAM, link: http://hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php) are available for around 50 euro's. You could turn these into a dedicated development board by shipping them with a custom OS image. Using commodity hardware would always be my preference. Another thing that I would be much more interested in is more documentation about how to write custom firmware that would make a standard master brick able to operate on its own without a PC-device connected to it. Or maybe allow the brick viewer to upload simple scripts to a master brick, that would be even better. Hope you find my feedback valuable. Unfortunately the German forum is very difficult for me to read so I can't really follow what's being said there. Kind regards, Geert.
  16. Hey guys, I came across the following: http://www.picaxe.com/docs/axe134.pdf Might be a good replacement for the LCD versions. OLED has *much* better readability. Geert.
  17. I've just ordered 3 motion bricklets (among other things) which I'll put to use on the top floor of my house. I expect to be able to show you the setup about a week from now. kind regards, Geert.
  18. Behold the power of Open Source.
  19. Hi Raphael, My project is still in R&D phase. I intend to install a brick in every room with a PIR, ambient light, temperature and humidity sensor attached. This means I can choose to only switch the light on when there is movement and the ambient light level is below a certain threshold. There's usually no need to switch lights on during the day. I'm not sure how to alter the traditional electrical wiring of my house, but I'm thinking of creating a "hotel-switch" setup between the existing wall switches and the dual relay bricklets. (Don't want to upset the less tech-savvy residents). As far as extensions are concerned, I'm not using any. I've bought several 5m USB cables (6 euros) which allow me to connect the bricks on all rooms of a single floor in my house to 1 USB Hub. I've also found a USB to Ethernet converter (20 euros) which allows me to connect the HUBs from all floors to a single Raspberry Pi located in the basement using (max) 50m USB connections using Ethernet cables. As I said, this is still in development phase, but I'll post a nice blog about it when there's something to show. This makes me curious about your applications of Tinkerforge stuff. Care to share? Kind regards, Geert Schuring.
  20. Hi fellas, Any idea when the motion detection bricklet will be available and what its price is going to be? I plan to install motion sensors in every room of my house and use the feedback to switch lights. Now I could use a 5v motion detector sensor with the IO bricklets, but if Tinkerforge has a bricklet coming at a reasonable price I'll wait for that. I've seen the bricklet in the server room kit, so I hope its about to hit the shop!
  21. If I understand you correctly you could simply solve this by using a powered USB hub. That's the way I do it: Raspberry Pi --> Powered USB Hub --> Master Brick. --> Wifi Dongle. --> RFID Reader. This way the Master brick doesn't draw power from the Raspberry Pi. The powered USB hub costed me about 6 euro's. Cheapest solution I know!
  22. Hi, Could you add a larger mounting plate to your shop? Preferable one that is at least 4 times larger then the current largest one. I can always saw a bit off when its to big. The current plates arent big enough to fit a master brick and a single io16 bricklet. Also, I would like to mount a master brick and several dual relay bricklets on 1 plate. Hope you can make this happen. Kind regards, Geert Schuring.
  23. Thanks for your reply. The ethernet extention without the PoE would be less interesting for me. I've successfully used a 20 euro USB-over-Ethernet converter, that allowed me to power and talk to a master brick 50 meters away from the computer. This of course requires a computer with a running brick deamon (but this can be used for multiple usb connections to masters bricks), and you can't combine it with your existing ethernet network. Thanks again for the reply.
  24. Hey folks, I really like the Ethernet extension but the price is keeping me from buying several of them. Especially since you also need a master brick, and the bricklet cables only reach 2m. That means I need about 7 or 8 master bricks spread throughout the house. The Ethernet extension is really great because I can reuse the Ethernet cables already present, but its so expensive that buying a set of raspberrypi's instead looks like a realistic alternative. Could you explain a bit about the reasons for the high costs of the Ethernet extension? thanks, Geert.
  25. Fantastic news! Being able to distribute bricks in my house using only an ethernet cable for both power and communication is really a big step forward!
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