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Thanks for Your answer. For me is it oft so, when I'm coming across a problem and dont know how solve it, the best thing for me then is to explain the problem for some one else. Then comes oft ideas like "so can I solve it". So was it also yesterday, after writing I had an almost equal idea, to use an external shunt resistor. But I think I will keep the origin resistor onboard. For that means, with example of a "100A shunt", that be that I measure 120A instead. Another thing I also found, most "commersal" shunt are designed for 60mV drop, the IC circuit seems to use 80mV as full scale. I don't if this project will be realised or not, but it's always interesting to look at solutions... Anyhow, thanks for the tip..
Hello. I came across a new problem, a new application. I/we have to measure a high DC current, upp to 100A, (maybe higher later up to 300A) What is the best solution to make this with your bricklets? Like some form of shunt between +in and +out on the Voltage/Current Bricklet ? If I read your schematic correct, you use a resistans with 4milliOhm in the bricklet. So how could/should i calculate to enhance the measuring range ? Thanks for tips ...
DC Brick discontinued - what is coming instead...
ein Thema hat GoranP erstellt in: General Discussion
Hello. I just found that the DC Brick is labeled "discontinued". My question now will it be replaced with a new updated card, if positive answer- when (approximately)? If answer No, will there be some other solution to run something like DC motor? -
HAT - can't find function "set_voltages_callback_configuration"
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
I'm using Python API version 2.1.24 and is testing callback_voltages. With the function "BrickHAT.set_voltages_callback_configuration(period, value_has_to_change)" I should be able to set value_has_to_change with True or False. But when I test it, with False or True I still get values every period time. I could change the period and it work's, I have tested for example with different times like 1000, 2000 3000. What do I do wrong ?? -
HAT - can't find function "set_voltages_callback_configuration"
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
OK. I found it in the description on the page, see my earlier link, and therefore I thought it was OK. In any case, that what the function I like to use. Understand, I'll wait until next release. .. -
HAT - can't find function "set_voltages_callback_configuration"
ein Thema hat GoranP erstellt in: General Discussion
Hello. I'm using your library for Python, version 2.1.23, When I try to use function "set_voltages_callback_configuration", (see link https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Software/Bricks/HAT_Brick_Python.html#BrickHAT.set_voltages_callback_configuration), then I got an error in my code. When I open your file brick_hat.py, then I see that this is missing... Best regards Göran P -
Could HAT Brick and PiJuice exist on the same Raspberry ?
ein Thema hat GoranP erstellt in: General Discussion
I'm looking at a new project, where I would like to use a RaspberryPi 3B+ together with the HAT Brick. I have also a PiJuice that I would like to have on the same Pi, just to have the battery backup. Before I connect these parts together, are there any known incompability? Even the PiJuice has a RTC, would that be any problem? // Göran -
Interrupt problem with the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, ver 1r
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
I have this evening made a simple test, just with two switches, one connected as NC, the other one as NO. Funny, when I test like this, then it works perfect, for both inputs, both on rising and falling edge, directly in the beginning, No problem. Anyhow, it means i have something funny in my normal program. I have to investigate more there.. -
Interrupt problem with the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, ver 1r
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
OK. I will do as follows. At my little "machine" I will change the connection of the microswitch from Normal Closed to Normal Open, so it can be "operating". At the weekend or under next week I try to built up an mini-enviroment so I more easy and properly could test my problem, and also better describe what's happens. I will come back with more info. Thanks anyway, so far ... // Göran -
Interrupt problem with the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, ver 1r
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
So, I have now tested the beta-firmware. The result is "Yes and No" ... Yes When I run my software the first time after power on of the Tinkerforge module stack, it function well with the interrupt for the microswitch, (with the Normal Closed contact). No If I stop my software and run it again, then is it as before, I need to touch the microswitch one time before I active my routin's. Do I, for example, make the stack powerless and disconnect it from USB and then reconnect it, then it works directly the first time I run my software. Another drawback I noticed was, (I downloaded the beta even in my second Digital Input card), for normal open contacts it didn't work well. On these I got the same behavour for a normal open contact as I had for the normal closed contacts. It needed to be tipped twice to get any reaktion, after that it was working more or less as usual.. Summary I have tested these sequences a number of times, to see if I could repeat the problem. And so is it. The patter is the same. Beta and Normal Closed contact - works the first program run. When restarting the program, I need to tip twice to get an interrupt. Sorry for the test result ... -
Interrupt problem with the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, ver 1r
Thema antwortete auf GoranPs GoranP in: General Discussion
I will test it later on this evening and come back with my results.. Thanks in advance ... -
Interrupt problem with the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, ver 1r
ein Thema hat GoranP erstellt in: General Discussion
I'm using Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet, the first hardware version and has made my program in Python. My problem is the interupt functionality. To one of the inputs I have connected a micro switch. Because it act as a limit switch for a stepper motor movement, (the signal is also used for reference settings) I have connected as a Normal Closed. In other word, it means that we have signal at the input in normal case. When switch is actived, then the signal drops. In my progam I have also a row with myInput.set_edge_count_config(0b1111, 2, 50), as I want interupts on both rising and falling signals. Whats happens, (or not happens), in my program is that I don't got any responce on the first falling edge of "switch" input. On the second activation of the switch it works as normal. If I first touch the switch before using the rest of functions in my program, then it works. For the other inputs I use Normal Open switches, they work as normal directly from the beginning of the program. So, for me, it seems that the functions, and maybe the firmware, has a problem to handles signals that "High" at start up. If somebody has a solution for my problem, or could explain what I have missed, please tell me. // Göran -
+1 I have an equal need, like to use an encoder for positioning. Of course, there is the Industrial Counter Bricklet, but it not solves the connection to the encoder. // Göran
In my project I have two stepper motors, and controllers. The control program am I doing in Python. It had been very nice to have cam-functions in these modules. With cam-function I mean a programmable functionality that let me set a position. When these position is passed, in one or other direction, it should trigger a callback function that inform me that we have passed this position and if we are more or less than the given position. My questions : - is this something that could be fullfilled without a firmware update? (I have tried to do this with use of callback_all_data, but it seems to load the system to much.. ). - Has somebody an idea how to make it nice, with low computer load and fast execution?
Hello again. It have even better if it also where compatible with Nexa units.