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Alle erstellten Inhalte von phillm6

  1. Thanks, that was the issue.
  2. Hello. I'm very new to tinkerforge, and I tried to scan the forum to see if I could find help in debugging some code (after finding nothing with a google search). So, I was wondering if I've evaded the proper channels for that help, or if I should just ask here. http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Software/Bricklets/AmbientLight_Bricklet_Python.html#ambient-light-bricklet-python-api If it's the latter, I'm trying to get the example code for the python api bindings for the ambient light bricklet to work properly. Unfortunately, I've been unable to get it to produce callbacks (the master brick is connected to a raspberry pi running raspbian). get_illuminance() is performing correctly (confirming that the bricklet is able to detect different levels of light), but neither of the callback functions (standard callback or threshold) are triggering (including under changing conditions, which I checked for values under different physical conditions). In addition, the code in example_threshold.py (in the above url) is throwing this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tinkerforge.bricklet_ambient_light.py", line 231, in set_debounce_period self.ipcon.send_request(self, BrickletAmbientLight.FUNCTION_SET_DEBOUNCE_PERIOD, (debounce,), 'I', '') File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tinkerforge/ip_connection.py", line 980, in send_request raise Error(Error.NOT_SUPPORTED, msg) tinkerforge.ip_connection.Error: Function 11 is not supported (-10) Any help would be appreciated, even if I can be directed to the technical specifications of the bricks/the implementation details of the bindings to dig through myself. Thank you for your time.
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