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It works like a charm! thanks again for your kind support...I really appreciated
This works if I put the tag on the reader when i run the main... What i need is to scan and be active for other tags ... for this reason I don't understand where to put the loop ...
can you please attach the code or paste it?
Nope...it does not enter in the state ...never.. I attach the java file so you can try it if you want thanks again for the support ExampleScanForTags.java
https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B01FLOQNMI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have these... I tried with another tag of the same brand and it's the same...
If you intend as it is reported there with the print of the state commented, NO, I do not get any state at all...
What i would expect it would be to access the STATE_AUTHENTICATING_MIFARE_CLASSIC_PAGE_READY state after calling authenticateMifareClassicPage(). But this does not happen...
Thanks for the reply...but it is the same: it always returns the same page with different tags and the other states are never accessed. nr.addStateChangedListener(new BrickletNFCRFID.StateChangedListener() { public void stateChanged(short state, boolean idle) { //System.out.println(state); try { if(idle) { currentTagType = 0; //(short)((currentTagType + 1) % 3); nr.requestTagID(currentTagType); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_REQUEST_TAG_ID_READY) { BrickletNFCRFID.TagID tagID = nr.getTagID(); String s = "Found tag of type " + tagID.tagType + " with ID [" + Integer.toHexString(tagID.tid[0]); for(int i = 1; i < tagID.tidLength; i++) { s += " " + Integer.toHexString(tagID.tid); } s += "]"; System.out.println(s); //added code short[] keys= {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; nr.authenticateMifareClassicPage(5, (short) 0,keys); nr.requestPage(5); short[] data=nr.getPage(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(data)); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_AUTHENTICATING_MIFARE_CLASSIC_PAGE_READY) { System.out.println("Ready"); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_AUTHENTICATING_MIFARE_CLASSIC_PAGE_ERROR) { System.out.println("error"); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } }); // Start scan loop nr.requestTagID(BrickletNFCRFID.TAG_TYPE_MIFARE_CLASSIC); System.out.println("Press key to exit"); System.in.read(); ipcon.disconnect();
I don't understand why using a mifare tag using the provided code i can read the tag page without authenticating ...moreover the state page ready is never accessed... for this reason the page if i change the tag still remains the same... can you take a look at my code to understand if i m missing something or what? Tags are found, i can print the page content without authenticating it...(commented) public class ExampleScanForTags { private static final String HOST = "localhost"; private static final int PORT = 4223; // Change XYZ to the UID of your NFC/RFID Bricklet private static final String UID = "uqB"; private static short currentTagType = 0; // Note: To make the example code cleaner we do not handle exceptions. Exceptions // you might normally want to catch are described in the documentation public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { IPConnection ipcon = new IPConnection(); // Create IP connection // Note: Declare nr as final, so the listener can access it final BrickletNFCRFID nr = new BrickletNFCRFID(UID, ipcon); // Create device object ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); // Connect to brickd // Don't use device before ipcon is connected // Add state changed listener nr.addStateChangedListener(new BrickletNFCRFID.StateChangedListener() { public void stateChanged(short state, boolean idle) { //System.out.println(state); try { if(idle) { currentTagType = 0; //(short)((currentTagType + 1) % 3); nr.requestTagID(currentTagType); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_REQUEST_TAG_ID_READY) { BrickletNFCRFID.TagID tagID = nr.getTagID(); String s = "Found tag of type " + tagID.tagType + " with ID [" + Integer.toHexString(tagID.tid[0]); for(int i = 1; i < tagID.tidLength; i++) { s += " " + Integer.toHexString(tagID.tid); } s += "]"; System.out.println(s); //added code short[] keys= {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; //nr.authenticateMifareClassicPage(5, (short) 0,keys); short[] data=nr.getPage(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(data)); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_AUTHENTICATING_MIFARE_CLASSIC_PAGE_READY) { System.out.println("Ready"); } if(state == BrickletNFCRFID.STATE_AUTHENTICATING_MIFARE_CLASSIC_PAGE_ERROR) { System.out.println("error"); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } }); // Start scan loop nr.requestTagID(BrickletNFCRFID.TAG_TYPE_MIFARE_CLASSIC); System.out.println("Press key to exit"); System.in.read(); ipcon.disconnect(); } }
Thanks i managed to reset it with an android app...
I ve made a mistake...i wrote on the first page of the tag and now the reading returns error 196. Also using brickv says tag found but i can't write tag. Is there a way to reset the tag or it s just dead?