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  1. you give me some suggestions for how to do? regards
  2. hi all, i followed this guide http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Kits/ServerRoomMonitoring/NagiosOrIcinga.html this http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Kits/HardwareHacking/SmokeDetector_HardwareSetup.html and http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Kits/HardwareHacking/SmokeDetector_Python.html I adapted the First Script, I removed motion detector and add smoke detector. Now if smoke detector is active, nagios detects the status! but, if smoke detector start and stop before the time control nagios(5minutes) nogios not detects correct status. I want add to script Step 4: Error handling and Logging of the third link. But I have trouble, because i'm beginner of python.In attachments the script can someone help me? regards test_tf_smoke.py ste4.py
  3. I noticed that the "check" does not work with pnp4nagios. probably the output isn't in correct format. http://docs.pnp4nagios.org/pnp-0.6/perfdata_format someone has already seen the problem, you have any suggestions?
  4. yes if self.connected_type == TYPE_MOTION_DETECTOR: if val == 1: was the problem. Now work fine, thanks
  5. thanks for replay, i tried this script, but show always "motion detected" /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tf_temp_ext.py -H localhost -u sKh -t motion_detector motion detected
  6. hi all, i need monitor server room with nagios and briklets. I followed this wiki for temperature http://www.tinkerunity.org/wiki/index.php/EN/Projects/IT_Infrastructure_Monitoring_-_Nagios_Plugin and I followed base code http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Software/Bricklets/MotionDetector_Bricklet_Python.html#motion-detector-bricklet-python-api for check motion detector and http://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Software/Bricklets/Humidity_Bricklet_Python.html#humidity-bricklet-python-api all work fine. I need to integrate motion sensors and humidity in nagios. Can anyone give me some guidance? I can find a wiki for this? regards
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