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  • Letzter Besuch

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  1. Hi, Could you make brickd usb driver documentation too when you'll have time ? Thanks.
  2. No, this is the component at the left of the right connector (top side) It's very small and i think it's written "102" on top of it I have the chibi extension 1.0 (it's written on it) and i don't see any white dots.
  3. It works continuously though i never ran it more than 3or 4min to test. I've noticed that a top component(it have 6pins) on the chibi board is werdly welded. It is at 30° where it souhld be aligned. I've got an iron, but man, the component is so small, i can't re-solder it.
  4. Well, it seems i spoke too soon. Its works once in ten. I don't know where is the problem, i've tried all configuration (address/frequency/channel), it's always the same. Sometimes i've got signal strength equal 0, sometimes i 've got 35 or more. Sometimes i push reset button on the master, then all works, then if i push one more time, nothing works...even if both are 30cm far away of! At that time, is's unusable for me and i don't see any solutions...
  5. I've switched to the same version you have. It works now! Thanks.
  6. Hi, it's me...again I'm trying to re-compile the master source code. I've installed Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2011-09.69 successfully but when i run Make, it stops with the following error: Scanning dependencies of target master-brick.elf [ 1%] Building C object CMakeFiles/master-brick.elf.dir/src/communication.obj [ 2%] Building C object CMakeFiles/master-brick.elf.dir/src/bricklib/logging/logging.obj [ 4%] Building C object CMakeFiles/master-brick.elf.dir/src/bricklib/drivers/cmsis/core_cm3.obj /tmp/ccAQD2Wm.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/ccAQD2Wm.s:516: Error: registers may not be the same -- `strexb r0,r0,[r1]' /tmp/ccAQD2Wm.s:541: Error: registers may not be the same -- `strexh r0,r0,[r1]' make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/master-brick.elf.dir/src/bricklib/drivers/cmsis/core_cm3.obj] Erreur 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/master-brick.elf.dir/all] Erreur 2 Looking with Google about the error led me here: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-binutils/2011-09/msg00101.html It's said (if i understand) that there is a bug with gas version 2.21.52 wich is the version i have. But i don't find any solutions. Since this is the first time i work with arm toolchain, i don't know if i made a mistake or if there is effectively a bug. Thanks.
  7. Oops, the file rs485_init.c is missing on github Thanks.
  8. Thanks Borg!
  9. jack

    RS-485 source code

    Hi, I'm trying to re-compile the master-brick source code, but cmake tell me that rs-485 related files are missing. i can't see them on github too. Is there a special repo to get the files ? Thanks
  10. No, i have no radio controlled thermostat, nor wifi at home. It's strange because BPSK40 uses 915Mhz, and it works, and "Europe" OQPSK uses 915Mhz too and it doesn't works.
  11. Thanks for your reply Borg. I ve put the latest firmware 1.1.7 on master. The temp bricklet have firmware 1.1.0. The temp bricklet works perfectly with master only. And i use Ubuntu. I've only try 868Mhz frequency, i'll try the others. Thanks. EDIT: I've try others frequency. All OQPSK frequency type doesn't work (Europe, USA and china). Only BPSK40 (915Mhz) works. Thanks Borg (though i really want Europe frequency to work since i live in France) By the way, i've found a bug. When you select the channel in the Viewer, click "Save chibi config", unplug, re-plug and re-connect, the channel in the Viewer is always the value you selected minus 1. Thanks.
  12. jack

    Chibi extensions

    Hi, I ve received my order and i m trying to play with two chibi extension but without success. My goal is to mesasure temperature remotly with two chibi extension, one with temperature sensor plugged in. There are both well recognize when plugged in my PC, i can configure them: master, slave, etc.. But, when i plug one (with temp sensor) in one PC, and the other one on another PC, i can't see the other chibi extension nor temp sensor. But i see that the power is about 30dbm so, the master see the slave, no ? I hope i ve been clear. Thanks
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