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  1. Hello everyone. I recently purchased the color bricklet. I mounted everything with the master brick. Recognize it, but the illuminance and color temperature graph are all dishes, with constant values to zero. The graph of the "color value" instead seems functions. What can I do? edit: I upgraded the firmware!
  2. TNX
  3. I resume this discussion to understand the difference in illuminance (lx) between Ambient Light Bricklet and Color Bricklet. The first sensor (Ambient) measures up to 900 lx, the second up to 100.000 lx. Is it correct? Thankyou for your replay Mario
  4. Hello everyone. Only yesterday I discovered your devices and I'm already crazy for them! They are awesome! especially for documentation! First of all, sorry for my english! I am looking for a sensor for the solar radiation. I need the measurement of radiation in W / m2 I could use the "Color Bricklet"? From this Bricklet I get the measure of illuminance in Lux. Is it possible to obtain the measurement of solar radiation? There is another device? I read in another post that the maximum illuminance of "Color Bricklet" is 100,000 Lx. This measure corresponds to about 790 W / m2. Is it small as a measure for the solar radiation? In my city, in the summer, the solar radiation easily exceed 1200 W / m2. Please, let's enlighten!
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