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Alle erstellten Inhalte von shaffin

  1. Hello Borg, Can you please explain how that would work? Are you suggesting that using the industrial-digital-out bricklet (paired with a master brick), and generate the pulses manually to drive the step and direction? Or can the pulses coming from the SB/SSB be directed to the industrial-digital-out bricklet? Thanks, Shaffin.
  2. Hello, Has anyone been able to use the StepperBrick (or SSB) with the Clearpath Teknic Motors? https://www.teknic.com/model-info/CPM-SDSK-2310D-RLN The reason I ask is that these motor have a built-in encoder/driver so I just need to send data signals (steps) to the motors. The motor receive a direct power from a 24vdc power source so the SD/SSD only need to send the data signals? Any help is appreciated, Thanks, Shaffin.
  3. Yes, I do....normally when I plug in the USB, Win10 starts recognizing and installing the driver. Then I install the BrickD and BrickV. But in this case Win10 does not recognize anything when I plugin the USB cord with the SSB attached 😞
  4. Hello, I have a SIlent StepperBrick that I plug into a USB port under Win10 and it is not being recognized. I tried a second one, and same results! Has anyone come across this? Sam.
  5. I have tried using thatand have seen some inconsistent behaviour at best. When I use enumerate I notice that every so often it times out unless I specifically call Sleep(250) after I make a call to enumerate! Has anyone else seen this behaviour?
  6. I believe I answered my own question that the reason I am getting a success back is the fact that the Brickd is responding to the connection and not the brick! Would it be too much as for a helper function in the brick api such as TStepperBrick.Available(UID)? Thanks, Shaffin.
  7. Hello, Is there an effective way to issue a blocking a Step command against the StepperBrick without using callback functions? I notice in my Delphi application that the call doesnt block! Thanks, Shaffin.
  8. Hello, I am using the Pascal API's in Delphi. I noticed that when I program: Conn: TIPConnection; Conn := TIPConnection.Create; Conn.Connect('', 4223); The above does not throw an exception even when the StepperBrick is not plugged in via USB! It always return "true" when performing a Conn.IsConnected() Is there any premise behind this or is it something more? Thanks, Shaffin.
  9. Thank you Borg!!
  10. Hello, Can someone share some delphi/pascal code on scanning the USB bridge for any associated UID (DeviceID of StepperBricks) that are attached to the computer? I would like to get a list back of the current StepperBricks attached to the computer. Thanks, Shaffin.
  11. Hello, Can someone share some delphi/pascal code on scanning the USB bridge for any associated UID (DeviceID of StepperBricks) that are attached to the computer? I would like to get a list back of the current StepperBricks attached to the computer. Thanks, Shaffin.
  12. Hello, Can someone suggest the best way to force a screen resolution to change to 800x600? I have tried changing the autostart file as well as the xrandr command but nothing seems to work unless I dont have the correct parameters specified in my command. Thanks, Sam.
  13. Hello, I am using the C++ API, and when issuing ret = ipcon_connect(&ipcon, host, port); the return (ret) is 0 and that is not correct when the Stepper Brick is unplugged? Any reason why? Thanks, Shaffin.
  14. I like the idea of the RED Brick and would love to incorporate it into my products relieving me from using a PC. The problem I have is that most of my products are driven by WIN32 EXE that have been developed in Delphi XE5 with the VCL GUI components. Any idea about compatibility and effort involved with deploying them to the RED Brick? Thanks, Shaffin.
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