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With RED 1.10 brickd using constantly 20-25% of CPU, kworker using another 20-25 one. Can't profile IO because there is no suitable linux-perf/linux-tool package nor use any of iotop because of lack of I/O accounting support (CONFIG_TASKSTATS, CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT, CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING). Is this normal ??
Oh, there is new image out there :-) ..downloading ! No info on your blog thus
just get some free memory, and do not show desktop icons on embedded device I achieved this running update-alternatives --config x-session-manager and choosing openbox Can't wait new image
Can I use any of RED brick USB ports in otg mode (acting as serial or Ethernet on PC) ?
I've got simple rs232 app. My requires is to run it under both - touchscreen via RED brick, and on PC via usb. It is possible to use multiple instances of brickd? In the future i want to use wifi too control from android. Or maybe i should starting to write some kind of my own API for control app on RED brick ?
..and beside 'desktop env' please add just Xorg server up - for GUI programs running fullscreen - 'kiosk mode' or something like this
It is possible to read PWM from any of TF brick ? Signal is 3.3 or 5 [V] and frequency up to 5kHz. What maximum resolution I can get ? Eventually I can write simple app to some of stm32 chip. Can I connect it somehow with TF RED Brick ?
Yes! python multiprocessing was an issue. Thank You remotecontrol for this hint ! Creating new ipconnection from new process resolve problem. Maybe there is a space to improve in this area inside tinkerforge.ip_connection ? ...to automagicaly create new connection if proccess pid changes ? ..somehow
Yes it is linux, where fork() do 'copy-on-write' - so if i understand correctly it will copy whole object only when i try write to it. I don't know if DC.get_current_consumption() or PTC.get_temperature() anyhow alter base object, Maybe this is a reason. I will definitely try this!. It is OK for brickd to share multiple connections with same bricklet ?
Callbacks are registered only from main process. There are no Callbacks registered from PTC or DC modules. I will try to disable them anyway. In main thread I created tf class where I init all TF hardware, then I use tf.ptc as argument for multiprocessing.Process() fork function. Is it ok ? Maybe i should init ptc from within forked process ? tf.ssr (SolidStateRelay) work fine in this way.
When i run PTC.get_temperature() on my software init stage ..everything works fine! after initing more bricklets, and running some threads PTC.get_temperature throws TIMEOUT error (other bricklets works just fine). In same software i use DC brick. Motor run till some points where it is mechanically stopped so i have to use DC.get_current_consumption() to turn it off. In normal operations DC.get_current_consumption() works fine, but after my program inits DC.get_current_consumption() hangs. I am using python language. I am using master and DC bricks with 6 connected bricklets. I am connecting to master brick via usb. I know that this is not to much information. I will try to isolate problem, and then put some more info in this topic, but maybe You have some hints ?
That is not easily possible. I didn't looked at RED git repo, but if You use DeviceTree in your RED kernel, then it should be quite easy to switch to GPU/nonGPU mode trought fw_setenv-->uboot-->DT-->Kernel nice!
It is quite hard to find out those 21x0.25 FPC connector/cable. Do you plan to sell those in your shop ? ..or ..maybe you plan to sell bricklet with an UART interface? i also need termocouple amplifier (for example: MAX31855)
grhhhh :-/ they worked individually fine ..workED ..I just "bricked" my DC brick :-( ..LED is dead ..i beleve that one of stack connector disconected by accident while under voltage :-/ I have to order new one.. Thx for that clue! EDIT: brick was in "bootloader mode" ..so after upgrading firmware stack working stable ! ..nice !
My topology looks like this 0 - master brick 0A - SSR 0B - SSR 0C - SSR 1 - DC brick 1A - 4Relay 1B - 4Relay After connecting master brick to my mac (tested with beagle bone black with same results) few magic things can happend: 1. LEDs on both bricks turning off after few seconds 2. Bricks are restarting every few seconds 3. Only Master Brick and it's bricklets are visible I found FAQ section, but non of those worked for me. Any hints ?
I know that output is for output purposes but! i want to know if it can be used as input to power up whole bricks stack. I want to use "Step-Down Power Supply brick" only as 5v connector. Maybe it is more clear now what i want to achive.
Thank You ..i will try!
But the question is: Can I put 5v from external PS into "Step-Down Power Supply brick" OUTPUT without providing anything to INPUT and power other stacked bricks in this way? The problem is that i don't want to power it via usb.
There is no 5V input on master brick "Step-Down Power Supply brick" work only with 6-30V voltage. In my project i use 5v supply, Can i connect my 5V PS in to "Step-Down Power Supply brick" 5v output to supply master brick without connecting 6-30V in ??
What can cause master brick restarting ? When i switch my desk lamp http://www.top3dmodels.com/uploads/desk_lamp_sample_solid_main.jpg in about 15cm from my wires master brick restarts. It also happend to me while driving DC motor from DC brick (full forward, full backward, and so on) Both cases are fully reproductable. How can i prevent this ?