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  1. Thank You
  2. With RED 1.10 brickd using constantly 20-25% of CPU, kworker using another 20-25 one. Can't profile IO because there is no suitable linux-perf/linux-tool package nor use any of iotop because of lack of I/O accounting support (CONFIG_TASKSTATS, CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT, CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING). Is this normal ??
  3. Oh, there is new image out there :-) ..downloading ! No info on your blog thus
  4. just get some free memory, and do not show desktop icons on embedded device I achieved this running update-alternatives --config x-session-manager and choosing openbox Can't wait new image
  5. Can I use any of RED brick USB ports in otg mode (acting as serial or Ethernet on PC) ?
  6. I've got simple rs232 app. My requires is to run it under both - touchscreen via RED brick, and on PC via usb. It is possible to use multiple instances of brickd? In the future i want to use wifi too control from android. Or maybe i should starting to write some kind of my own API for control app on RED brick ?
  7. ..and beside 'desktop env' please add just Xorg server up - for GUI programs running fullscreen - 'kiosk mode' or something like this
  8. luzik

    Read PWM

    It is possible to read PWM from any of TF brick ? Signal is 3.3 or 5 [V] and frequency up to 5kHz. What maximum resolution I can get ? Eventually I can write simple app to some of stm32 chip. Can I connect it somehow with TF RED Brick ?
  9. Yes! python multiprocessing was an issue. Thank You remotecontrol for this hint ! Creating new ipconnection from new process resolve problem. Maybe there is a space to improve in this area inside tinkerforge.ip_connection ? ...to automagicaly create new connection if proccess pid changes ? ..somehow
  10. Yes it is linux, where fork() do 'copy-on-write' - so if i understand correctly it will copy whole object only when i try write to it. I don't know if DC.get_current_consumption() or PTC.get_temperature() anyhow alter base object, Maybe this is a reason. I will definitely try this!. It is OK for brickd to share multiple connections with same bricklet ?
  11. Callbacks are registered only from main process. There are no Callbacks registered from PTC or DC modules. I will try to disable them anyway. In main thread I created tf class where I init all TF hardware, then I use tf.ptc as argument for multiprocessing.Process() fork function. Is it ok ? Maybe i should init ptc from within forked process ? tf.ssr (SolidStateRelay) work fine in this way.
  12. When i run PTC.get_temperature() on my software init stage ..everything works fine! after initing more bricklets, and running some threads PTC.get_temperature throws TIMEOUT error (other bricklets works just fine). In same software i use DC brick. Motor run till some points where it is mechanically stopped so i have to use DC.get_current_consumption() to turn it off. In normal operations DC.get_current_consumption() works fine, but after my program inits DC.get_current_consumption() hangs. I am using python language. I am using master and DC bricks with 6 connected bricklets. I am connecting to master brick via usb. I know that this is not to much information. I will try to isolate problem, and then put some more info in this topic, but maybe You have some hints ?
  13. That is not easily possible. I didn't looked at RED git repo, but if You use DeviceTree in your RED kernel, then it should be quite easy to switch to GPU/nonGPU mode trought fw_setenv-->uboot-->DT-->Kernel nice!
  14. It is quite hard to find out those 21x0.25 FPC connector/cable. Do you plan to sell those in your shop ? ..or ..maybe you plan to sell bricklet with an UART interface? i also need termocouple amplifier (for example: MAX31855)
  15. grhhhh :-/ they worked individually fine ..workED ..I just "bricked" my DC brick :-( ..LED is dead ..i beleve that one of stack connector disconected by accident while under voltage :-/ I have to order new one.. Thx for that clue! EDIT: brick was in "bootloader mode" ..so after upgrading firmware stack working stable ! ..nice !
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