08:18:06.799 [DEBUG] [.s.internal.SchedulerActivator:36 ] - Scheduler has been started. 08:18:06.825 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1175 ] - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor 08:18:06.838 [INFO ] [rtz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl:61 ] - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl 08:18:06.838 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:243 ] - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created. 08:18:06.839 [INFO ] [org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore :154 ] - RAMJobStore initialized. 08:18:06.840 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:268 ] - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'openHAB-job-scheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED' Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally. NOT STARTED. Currently in standby mode. Number of jobs executed: 0 Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 2 threads. Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered. 08:18:06.841 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1324 ] - Quartz scheduler 'openHAB-job-scheduler' initialized from specified file: './etc/quartz.properties' 08:18:06.841 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1328 ] - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7 08:18:06.841 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:534 ] - Scheduler openHAB-job-scheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 08:18:06.843 [DEBUG] [o.config.core.ConfigDispatcher:146 ] - Processing openHAB default configuration file 'F:\Programme\Smarthome\OpenHAB\configurations\openhab_default.cfg'. 08:18:07.073 [DEBUG] [o.config.core.ConfigDispatcher:168 ] - Processing openHAB main configuration file 'F:\Programme\Smarthome\OpenHAB\configurations\openhab.cfg'. 08:18:07.297 [DEBUG] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:93 ] - UUID file already exists at 'F:\Programme\Smarthome\OpenHAB\webapps\static\uuid' with content '661cee66-d139-457a-813a-ae5f47965652' 08:18:07.298 [DEBUG] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:115 ] - Created file 'F:\Programme\Smarthome\OpenHAB\webapps\static\version' with content '1.8.2' 08:18:07.298 [INFO ] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:61 ] - openHAB runtime has been started (v1.8.2). 08:18:07.312 [DEBUG] [a.internal.AutoUpdateActivator:31 ] - AutoUpdate binding has been started. 08:18:07.838 [DEBUG] [.p.i.PersistenceModelActivator:23 ] - Registered 'persistence' configuration parser 08:18:07.887 [DEBUG] [.c.t.i.TransformationActivator:38 ] - Transformation Service has been started. 08:18:07.906 [DEBUG] [m.internal.MultimediaActivator:34 ] - Multimedia I/O bundle has been started. 08:18:07.919 [DEBUG] [.s.i.DiscoveryServiceActivator:27 ] - Discovery service has been started. 08:18:07.921 [INFO ] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:93 ] - mDNS service has been started 08:18:07.929 [DEBUG] [.io.transport.mqtt.MqttService:123 ] - Starting MQTT Service... 08:18:07.982 [DEBUG] [.i.internal.ItemModelActivator:24 ] - Registered 'item' configuration parser 08:18:08.004 [INFO ] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:53 ] - Service Discovery initialization completed. 08:18:08.020 [DEBUG] [o.o.c.i.items.ItemRegistryImpl:137 ] - Item provider 'GenericItemProvider' has been added. 08:18:08.381 [DEBUG] [.o.m.s.i.SitemapModelActivator:23 ] - Registered 'sitemap' configuration parser 08:18:08.452 [DEBUG] [io.rest.internal.RESTActivator:33 ] - REST API has been started. 08:18:08.486 [INFO ] [org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils :370 ] - META-INF/services/org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework not found in class loader 08:18:08.500 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2601 ] - Atmosphere is using org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor for processing annotation 08:18:08.501 [INFO ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:138 ] - AnnotationProcessor class org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor$BytecodeBasedAnnotationProcessor being used 08:18:08.511 [WARN ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:178 ] - Unable to detect annotations. Application may fail to deploy. 08:18:08.530 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1891 ] - Auto detecting atmosphere handlers /WEB-INF/classes/ 08:18:08.540 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:639 ] - Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletProcessor mapped to context-path /* and Broadcaster Class org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster 08:18:08.540 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1945 ] - Auto detecting WebSocketHandler in /WEB-INF/classes/ 08:18:08.541 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1602 ] - Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.SimpleHttpProtocol 08:18:08.556 [INFO ] [.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor:103 ] - Installing Servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer 08:18:08.609 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:815 ] - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.18.1 02/19/2014 03:28 AM' 08:18:08.610 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:826 ] - Adding the following classes declared in META-INF/services/jersey-server-components to the resource configuration: class org.atmosphere.jersey.AtmosphereResourceConfigurator 08:18:08.644 [INFO ] [j.s.i.a.DeferredResourceConfig:101 ] - Instantiated the Application class org.openhab.io.rest.RESTApplication 08:18:09.024 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2435 ] - AtmosphereInterceptor CORS Interceptor Support will always be executed first 08:18:09.024 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor CORS Interceptor Support with priority FIRST_BEFORE_DEFAULT 08:18:09.025 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Default Response's Headers Interceptor with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.026 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Android Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.028 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor SSE Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.029 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor JSONP Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.030 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Atmosphere JavaScript Protocol with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.031 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Browser disconnection detection with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 08:18:09.035 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:935 ] - Using EndpointMapper class org.atmosphere.util.DefaultEndpointMapper 08:18:09.037 [WARN ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:941 ] - No BroadcasterCache configured. Broadcasted message between client reconnection will be LOST. It is recommended to configure the org.atmosphere.cache.UUIDBroadcasterCache 08:18:09.038 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:949 ] - Default Broadcaster Class: org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster 08:18:09.039 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:950 ] - Broadcaster Polling Wait Time 100 08:18:09.039 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:951 ] - Shared ExecutorService supported: true 08:18:09.040 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:958 ] - Messaging Thread Pool Size: 10 08:18:09.041 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:968 ] - Async I/O Thread Pool Size: 10 08:18:09.041 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:979 ] - Using BroadcasterFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory 08:18:09.042 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:980 ] - Using WebSocketProcessor: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor 08:18:09.043 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:990 ] - Invoke AtmosphereInterceptor on WebSocket message true 08:18:09.044 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:991 ] - HttpSession supported: false 08:18:09.044 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:993 ] - Atmosphere is using DefaultAtmosphereObjectFactory for dependency injection and object creation 08:18:09.045 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:994 ] - Atmosphere is using async support: org.atmosphere.container.JettyAsyncSupportWithWebSocket running under container: jetty/8.1.3.v20120522 with WebSocket enabled. 08:18:09.047 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:996 ] - Atmosphere Framework 2.2.5 started. 08:18:09.047 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:998 ] - For Atmosphere Framework Commercial Support, visit http://www.async-io.org/ or send an email to support@async-io.org 08:18:09.049 [INFO ] [penhab.io.rest.RESTApplication:144 ] - Started REST API at /rest 08:18:09.051 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66 ] - Registering new service _openhab-server._tcp.local. at port 8080 08:18:15.650 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66 ] - Registering new service _openhab-server-ssl._tcp.local. at port 8443 08:18:17.688 [INFO ] [c.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl:80 ] - Loading model 'Tinkerforge.sitemap' 08:18:17.796 [INFO ] [c.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl:80 ] - Loading model 'demo.script' 08:18:17.849 [INFO ] [c.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl:80 ] - Loading model 'TinkerForge.items' 08:18:17.859 [DEBUG] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider:154 ] - Processing binding configs for items from model 'TinkerForge.items' 08:18:17.860 [DEBUG] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider:133 ] - Read items from model 'TinkerForge.items' 08:18:18.231 [INFO ] [.o.u.w.i.servlet.WebAppServlet:80 ] - Started Classic UI at /classicui/openhab.app 08:18:18.415 [DEBUG] [.r.internal.RuleModelActivator:42 ] - Registered 'rules' configuration parser 08:18:18.423 [DEBUG] [m.r.internal.engine.RuleEngine:77 ] - Started rule engine 08:18:22.131 [DEBUG] [o.o.b.t.i.TinkerforgeActivator:34 ] - Tinkerforge binding has been started. 08:18:22.133 [DEBUG] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider:341 ] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'humidityprobe (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'TinkerforgeGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:18:22.136 [DEBUG] [kerforgeGenericBindingProvider:81 ] - token: uid=h2t 08:18:22.137 [DEBUG] [kerforgeGenericBindingProvider:81 ] - token: subid=out0 08:18:22.137 [DEBUG] [kerforgeGenericBindingProvider:81 ] - token: type=io4_actuator 08:18:22.138 [DEBUG] [kerforgeGenericBindingProvider:81 ] - token: defaultState=true 08:18:22.139 [DEBUG] [i.internal.GenericItemProvider:341 ] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'out0 (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'TinkerforgeGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:18:22.140 [DEBUG] [kerforgeGenericBindingProvider:81 ] - token: name=io0 08:18:22.230 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:194 ] - TFINIT connectModel called 08:18:22.234 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value hosts : 08:18:22.235 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io0.subid : out0 08:18:22.236 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io0.type : io4_actuator 08:18:22.237 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io0.uid : h2t 08:18:22.238 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io1.pullUpResistorEnabled : true 08:18:22.239 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io1.subid : in1 08:18:22.240 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io1.type : io4sensor 08:18:22.241 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io1.uid : h2t 08:18:22.242 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io4.debouncePeriod : 200 08:18:22.243 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io4.type : bricklet_io4 08:18:22.243 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value io4.uid : h2t 08:18:22.244 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:179 ] - CONFIG key:value service.pid : org.openhab.tinkerforge 08:18:22.246 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:148 ] - deviceConfig {ohId=io1, subid=in1, uid=h2t, pullUpResistorEnabled=true, type=io4sensor} 08:18:22.248 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:393 ] - CONFIG setting io4sensor config 08:18:22.249 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:723 ] - *** uid is "h2t" 08:18:22.251 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:771 ] - configuring feature: pullUpResistorEnabled for uid h2t subid in1 08:18:22.252 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:781 ] - CONFIG found boolean value 08:18:22.253 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:148 ] - deviceConfig {ohId=io0, subid=out0, uid=h2t, type=io4_actuator} 08:18:22.254 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:378 ] - CONFIG setting io4_actuator config 08:18:22.255 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:723 ] - *** uid is "h2t" 08:18:22.255 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:148 ] - deviceConfig {ohId=io4, subid=null, uid=h2t, debouncePeriod=200, type=bricklet_io4} 08:18:22.256 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:403 ] - CONFIG setting TFInterruptListenerConfiguration device_type bricklet_io4 08:18:22.258 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:723 ] - *** uid is "h2t" 08:18:22.259 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.c.ConfigurationHandler:771 ] - configuring feature: debouncePeriod for uid h2t subid null 08:18:22.260 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:918 ] - CONFIG updated called 08:18:22.260 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:952 ] - parse brickd config: host, port 4223, authkey is set false 08:18:22.270 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.270 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:396 ] - TFINIT unhandled notifier org.openhab.binding.tinkerforge.internal.model.impl.EcosystemImpl@8dfe34 (logger: null) 08:18:22.273 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.275 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:218 ] - TFINIT Tinkerforge new brickd for host: 08:18:22.277 [INFO ] [.service.AbstractActiveService:169 ] - Tinkerforge Refresh Service has been started 08:18:22.281 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:759 ] - TFINIT Connected listener was called. 08:18:22.283 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.284 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid, subid isconnected 08:18:22.285 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.286 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid, subid connected_counter 08:18:22.288 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:845 ] - TFINIT EnumerateListener was called, type 0 08:18:22.288 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:889 ] - TFINIT addDevice called for uid: 6k48Dc 08:18:22.289 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:845 ] - TFINIT EnumerateListener was called, type 0 08:18:22.290 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:889 ] - TFINIT addDevice called for uid: h2t 08:18:22.291 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:984 ] - addDevice BrickletIO4 08:18:22.293 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:1070 ] - TFINIT addDevice uid: h2t 08:18:22.294 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.295 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:344 ] - TFINIT notifier is Brickd 08:18:22.295 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:302 ] - TFINIT found MTFConfigConsumer id h2t 08:18:22.297 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:312 ] - TFINIT setting tfConfig for h2t 08:18:22.298 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:313 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device h2t with config: org.openhab.binding.tinkerforge.internal.model.impl.TFInterruptListenerConfigurationImpl@135a172 (debouncePeriod: 200) 08:18:22.299 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.299 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.302 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:777 ] - TFINIT BrickletIO4 setting debouncePeriod to 200 08:18:22.303 [DEBUG] [o.b.t.i.model.impl.MBrickdImpl:1076 ] - TFINIT initSubDevices uid: h2t 08:18:22.306 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.306 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.307 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "in0" 08:18:22.308 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.309 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in0 08:18:22.310 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:655 ] - TFINIT setting InterruptListener for DigitalSensorIO4: in0 08:18:22.312 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.312 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in0 08:18:22.314 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t in0 08:18:22.315 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:737 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice in0 08:18:22.315 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.316 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.317 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:302 ] - TFINIT found MTFConfigConsumer id h2t in1 08:18:22.319 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:312 ] - TFINIT setting tfConfig for h2t in1 08:18:22.320 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:313 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device h2t in1 with config: org.openhab.binding.tinkerforge.internal.model.impl.TFIOSensorConfigurationImpl@962ea5 (pullUpResistorEnabled: true) 08:18:22.322 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.322 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.323 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in1 08:18:22.324 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:644 ] - TFINIT found config for DigitalSensor 08:18:22.325 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.325 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:646 ] - TFINIT pull-up resistor state is true 08:18:22.326 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:655 ] - TFINIT setting InterruptListener for DigitalSensorIO4: in1 08:18:22.328 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.329 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in1 08:18:22.330 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:737 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice in1 08:18:22.330 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.331 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.332 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "in2" 08:18:22.333 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.334 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in2 08:18:22.335 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:655 ] - TFINIT setting InterruptListener for DigitalSensorIO4: in2 08:18:22.337 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.338 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in2 08:18:22.339 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t in2 08:18:22.340 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:737 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice in2 08:18:22.340 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.341 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.342 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "in3" 08:18:22.343 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.344 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in3 08:18:22.345 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:655 ] - TFINIT setting InterruptListener for DigitalSensorIO4: in3 08:18:22.346 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.347 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in3 08:18:22.348 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t in3 08:18:22.349 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:737 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice in3 08:18:22.352 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.352 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.353 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:302 ] - TFINIT found MTFConfigConsumer id h2t out0 08:18:22.354 [ERROR] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:263 ] - CONFIG existing device is uid h2t subId in0 08:18:22.355 [ERROR] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:306 ] - CONFIG ignoring duplicate device uid: h2t, subId out0, genericId {}. Fix your openhab.cfg! 08:18:22.356 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:749 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice out0 08:18:22.357 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.358 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.358 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "out1" 08:18:22.359 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:732 ] - TFINIT enable called on DigitalActorIO4 08:18:22.360 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:751 ] - TFINIT keep: no new port configuration set 08:18:22.362 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.363 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid out1 08:18:22.364 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t out1 08:18:22.365 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:749 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice out1 08:18:22.365 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.366 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.366 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "out2" 08:18:22.368 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:732 ] - TFINIT enable called on DigitalActorIO4 08:18:22.369 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:751 ] - TFINIT keep: no new port configuration set 08:18:22.370 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.371 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid out2 08:18:22.372 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t out2 08:18:22.373 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:749 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice out2 08:18:22.374 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.374 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:376 ] - TFINITSUB MSubdevices Notifier called 08:18:22.375 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:288 ] - TFINITSUB found no device configuration for uid "h2t" subid "out3" 08:18:22.376 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:732 ] - TFINIT enable called on DigitalActorIO4 08:18:22.377 [DEBUG] [t.i.m.impl.DigitalActorIO4Impl:751 ] - TFINIT keep: no new port configuration set 08:18:22.378 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.379 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid out3 08:18:22.380 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:326 ] - TFINIT adding/enabling device: h2t out3 08:18:22.381 [DEBUG] [.b.t.i.m.impl.MBrickletIO4Impl:749 ] - TFINIT addSubDevice out3 08:18:22.486 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:694 ] - TFMODELUPDATE interruptListner DigitalSensorIO4 called interrupt mask 3, valuemask 11 08:18:22.487 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:697 ] - TFMODELUPDATE interruptListner DigitalSensorIO4 updating 08:18:22.488 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified 08:18:22.489 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:666 ] - TFMODELUPDATE found no item for uid h2t, subid in0 08:18:22.490 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:694 ] - TFMODELUPDATE interruptListner DigitalSensorIO4 called interrupt mask 3, valuemask 11 08:18:22.491 [DEBUG] [b.t.i.m.i.DigitalSensorIO4Impl:697 ] - TFMODELUPDATE interruptListner DigitalSensorIO4 updating 08:18:22.491 [DEBUG] [.t.internal.TinkerforgeBinding:239 ] - TinkerforgeNotifier was notified